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New Streaming Schedule

If you follow me on Twitch, I'll be coming back to regular streams starting on Monday. The plan is to stream Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons GMT+1.

I'm in the EU now, so that means for you American folks I left behind...I am so sorry. We will probably never see each other ever again. I really wish I was kidding, but I don't have a compatible schedule to stream in the evenings right now, and afternoons work best for me. This will be either in the dead middle of the night for you all or very early morning. So, early risers might get to hang out. We'll play things by ear, hmm?

For those of you who don't follow me on Twitch right now, a little bit about my stream:

I've been streaming since April 2018 but had to go on a hiatus because I was burnt out and also moving to another country and needed to get ready for that. I'm a variety streamer with a concentration on retro and Nintendo Switch titles. I will stream just about anything at this point so long as it's not a battle royale, and I very rarely stream anything in the top ten section of the browse page. I was going to do writing streams...but I tried it once...and I'll be totally honest with you.

I did not like the people who drifted into my stream on that day.

I'm really wary to host another writing stream because...hoooo boy. I got some people, man. I'm definitely ready to get back to streaming but my ban hammer is going to be ruthless this time around because I am sick as shit of people spoiling point-and-click games for me. Or just any games in general, really. The backseating got really out of hand and I just don't have the time for it anymore. Also, my streams were considered pretty family-friendly in the past. They probably still will be because I'm actually really tame in comparison to a lot of streamers. I don't play gory, violent games too often (I do love Binding of Isaac, but I digress), and I don't curse a whole ton.

I hope you pop in to visit me, say hi, lurk a bit, or play a game with me. I'm nice.

Start the Conversation

What makes a game so damn good? (Transistor discussion and spoilers)

Is it 40+ hours of gameplay?

Is it top notch graphics?

Is it a AAA studio backing it?

Honestly, for me, my evaluation of what makes a game great can go into three categories.

How many times have I gone back to the game once I've "finished" it? In the case of Dragon Age: Origins, one play through was not enough. I have over 200+ hours clocked into this single player game from 2010 and I KEEP going back to it from time to time. The same goes for Mass Effect. It's the desire to be with the characters, to live amongst them for just a little while longer. Like a good book, in graphic format. Once I've turned the last page I feel a small bit of sorrow. With a video game such as Dragon Age and Mass Effect I can go back to the story, make different choices and see different outcomes.

How many times have I thought about the game after I've completed it? I was excited about Transistor ever since I saw the first trailer and heard the song "We All Become." The music had me intrigued and hooked. Then the game came out and I heard it was only around 6 hours or so, which was disappointing at first until I actually played it. The ending was what really moved me, though. So much so, that I cried. I haven't teared up during a video game in years. I think the last game that made me a little teary eyed was Final Fantasy: Crisis Core, honestly. As far as bittersweet endings go, this one really took the cake. But then after the game ended, I was still thinking about the game. It's been over a week now since I've finished the game and I am still so deeply touched by the way everything ended that I'm looking up fanart, game theories, anything I can get my hands on. I'd say that's a successful game, right there.

So there's hours put in which translates to good value, and then there's the staying power of the game which also translates to very good value. But is there anything else? For me there is, and that's reward vs. time spent. It's what kept me in World of Warcraft for so long, and it's what's pulling me into Wildstar and keeps me FFXIV. I have to pay monthly for the privilege of playing the game, which many people would deem crazy. World of Warcraft kept me playing because it always had something for me to go for, whether it would be a new title, a new set of gear or a new mount...there was always something to reach for. It's like in real life, setting a goal and then taking the steps to grab it. I'm insatiable when it comes to goals and when there's a game that allows me to complete them on a consistent basis and have fun doing it, then I'm going to be hooked for a very long time.

So now I would really love to turn this blog into discussion. What makes a great game for you? And let's TALK ABOUT TRANSISTOR SPOILERS. What did you think of the ending? What did you think of the "villains" of the game? Why does Sybil already have so much fanart my good god?