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Games I'm Playing Now

Updated Dec. 11, 2013

Because I have the tendency to play several games at once, I will break this list down further into what could be considered sub-topics: Arcade Games (ones that are about mastery and not so much about just completing the SP) and SP experiences.

Arcade Games

Pac-Man: Championship DX Edition (I hope to pick this one up again and play through all of the different levels it has to offer)

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved (I'll aim to increase my survival rate, lasting for longer periods of time after a good amount of practice with it)

DoDonPachi: Resurrection (hopefully, I'll play this again to try to get all of the loops and items in the levels at least, which certainly won't be an easy feat, but I'll do my best)

Ninja Gaiden Black (have to get back to this one to finish it on the hard difficulty, before moving it up to the other difficulties)

Dirt 3 (playing it again, and maybe at least finishing its story/career mode, once and for all, would be nice)

Out of all the fighting games I own, I should pick up one of them again (possibly Tekken 5) and get pretty good with the more advanced techniques like juggling and other ways of dealing out combos.

MGS3 (I really want to get EE mode done with a Big Boss or Foxhound ranking or something closest to that, so I will aim to do this, even if only a couple of times each month or every few months)

SP Games

Listed below with images

NOTE: for games like Mass Effect, TES: Skyrim, and Dark Souls, which all have huge universes and great depth for their RPG gameplay, it certainly would help a lot to research them better by looking at their strategy guides and wiki sites. That way, I will most certainly be a pretty skilled player, when it comes to not only enjoying them, but finishing them and playing them to their fullest extent.

List items

  • To help me raise my frustration tolerance level more, playing a very difficult platformer like this is a great idea. Plus, it'll motivate to appreciate the difficulty that certain games offer, especially at a time when most games these days are too easy by default.

  • Only playing through the SP once right now, but I might end up starting a new game plus right after it or choose to play as another class (like the Adept one or the Engineer one).

    If I do end up playing through it again, I'll most likely play on a higher difficulty and still play the side missions (despite how tedious some of them might get, from time to time) to get the fullest experience for my other classes of choice.

    On the bright side, I won't need to read through all of the codex logs ever again (though I hope to still keep my first completed game save to be able to look back at these logs anytime I want).

    And when I am through with ME1, I might even want to head into ME2 before doing another playthrough of ME1, so I definitely want to keep each recently completed game save and transfer it over to ME2 before getting rid of it (if I feel like it, except with the very first one).

  • I will be taking my time with this game, even when compared to something like Skyrim, which also has lots of things to learn about, except that DS is far more brutally challenging, so it may, in fact, take that much longer to get through the first time around. And if I end up playing it through a second or even a third time, it will not likely occur so soon, but will be a process that takes time (maybe a year or more), due to the fact that I also want to be able to play other games alongside it and not be forced to devote all of my time to this one game (the same would go for any game that I spend a lot of time with).

  • only shooting for playing through SP once for now, but I might go ahead and replay the levels to gain a higher score (and perhaps to ghost them)

  • Likely only going to play the main SP and DLC only once (all the way through to the end) and some MP (if it is still available), too

  • This will be a long, but rewarding experience if anything. After all, it is one of the first fantasy RPGs that I have ever played (sadly), so I am likely to have a pretty good time with it. And considering the amount of time it takes to finish, I don't plan on seeing myself be done with it anytime soon. That said, some of the other games that I beat will be replayed a second time (at least), so that may make this otherwise long 300-hour (or more) playthrough seem not so lengthy anymore.