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#1  Edited By Henry
@PureRok said:
" @Henry said:
" I am going to have to disagree with you, it sounds like you had it coming.
He was just trying to play a game and have fun, then all of the sudden he kills you ONCE. You then go out and kill him, and only him, over and over again. Then he starts complaining about how you keep killing him.
What did you expect? If you are playing a game, then all of the sudden some guy is singling you out and killing you, and only you. wouldn't you get mad too?
Sure this guy is a noob, but hey, we were ALL noobs at one point or another, and Battlefield heroes is a free game, so you are bound to get a bunch of new players.
This kid pickes up a game, tries it out, gets a kill, feels good about himself, then damnboyadvance has killed you! then this happens over, and over, and over again. You make his experience of this game a horrible one, And then YOU wonder why he acts like this... quite frankley I am amazed that someone as apathetic as you could get so worked up over this.This does not mean however that you should let him kill you in hopes that he will calm down. Just go easy on him. Maybe mentor him. Let him get better over time, and soon he will be a formidable opponent, or a valuble teammate.Just don't get all butthurt when noobs talk back at you for making the game suck. "
From what I gathered the little butthead was the only one on the other team. I get that from these two sentences here: "It was a few of my National friends playing around. All of a sudden, a Royal shows up."This implied that they were alone in a server (at least, that's what I gathered) and then this guy joined. Who else is he going to kill? I like your last sentence. It's pretty funny how someone playing the game like it's supposed to be played can make the game suck. I think you're one of those people the OP described, Henry. "
Hmmm, interesting. I might have made some assumptions, but my argument was not exclusive to the present situation.
If you are playing against a team of dissimilar skill level, you are never going to get any better. Now granted, people should not get crazy over being killed a few times. But the point of a game is to have fun.
Now since the person joined a friendly game and caused trouble, its ok to chastise him. kindly ask him to leave, or if he is not cooperative, ban him. However, killing him over and over again if he is the only one playing, and then trying to give him advice after you kill him is just patronizing, and everyone gets offended by it. So the only reason the op would do it is if he had underlying motives to make the player mad. They may be subconsious, but they are still there.

As for myself, when I see a new player, I dont get all serious and think of them as an easy kill, I try to help them play better by giving advice, and if I have to, let them kill me without firing a shot. But I get aggrevated when a new player is trying to learn the game, and some other player with a Napolean Complex feels like he has to grief the new player constantly to, in some way, make him feel better about himself.
A perfect example of that is what this guy said
 @Nerje said:
"Kids like this behave in this manner because of something known as the PECKING ORDER.These kids are probably bullied at school, or at home.  It's a known psychological condition caused by being under great stress.  Most commonly seen in schoolkids who physically bully other kids.  In a lot of cases, it's because they get physically bullied at home, and when they are out of that environment they need to assert themselves so that they can feel what it is like to be the "better person" in their mind.  There are other types of bully - usually the "rich kids" who play a horrible psychological game of insults and backstabbing and embarrassment, because thats the way their parents treat them.  When it comes to the internet it's the same thing - these kids probably get the hell bullied out of them at school or by their parents, so they need to take it out on somebody else so that they don't feel totally worthless.Next time you're at school, check it out.  Even the geeks have their own pecking order, usually one is extra aggressive towards the others and makes a lot of group decisions. "
These aren't the new players. These are avarge players who feel like they need to "get even" by taking their anger out on other players, unfourtunatly these are usually the noobs.

Now for Damnboyadvance's case, I am leaning more towards the other player being the player that likes to cause grief, and for that I apoligize, but as I said before, the point is not exclusive to this event.

My point is tht noobs are going to stay noobs untill we help them get better. And I for one want that to happen, it means more opponents and challenges.
People who just view them as easy prey, and go all out on them... you are better than that.
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#2  Edited By Henry

I am going to have to disagree with you, it sounds like you had it coming.
He was just trying to play a game and have fun, then all of the sudden he kills you ONCE. You then go out and kill him, and only him, over and over again. Then he starts complaining about how you keep killing him.
What did you expect? If you are playing a game, then all of the sudden some guy is singling you out and killing you, and only you. wouldn't you get mad too?
Sure this guy is a noob, but hey, we were ALL noobs at one point or another, and Battlefield heroes is a free game, so you are bound to get a bunch of new players.
This kid pickes up a game, tries it out, gets a kill, feels good about himself, then damnboyadvance has killed you! then this happens over, and over, and over again. You make his experience of this game a horrible one, And then YOU wonder why he acts like this... quite frankley I am amazed that someone as apathetic as you could get so worked up over this.
This does not mean however that you should let him kill you in hopes that he will calm down. Just go easy on him. Maybe mentor him. Let him get better over time, and soon he will be a formidable opponent, or a valuble teammate.
Just don't get all butthurt when noobs talk back at you for making the game suck.

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#3  Edited By Henry

After being riddled in the chest with machine gun bullets, just wait behind a wooden crate crate for 3 seconds and you should be good as new.

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#4  Edited By Henry

A Gordon Freeman character model?!? WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!? well, looks like 2009 is another golden year for games.

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#5  Edited By Henry

wow, that is such a dick move. watch, now Microsoft stops making operating systems for the Sony VIAO laptops

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#6  Edited By Henry

I'm going to come out and say it... Geometry Wars... that game is probably the best value of any of the games here, it was simplistic, fluid, addictive and enough eye candy to make even the most lethargic person jump out of their seat and say "HOLY S***"

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#7  Edited By Henry

well, its gone now, I got some retarded achievement like "the round time limit ended with the same numbers!" and now its 10009 :(

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#8  Edited By Henry

I was playing soulcalibur, and I get an honor, so I look at my gamerscore, I have exactly 9999 gamerscore... I guess ghost recon isn't bad with achievements after all.

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#9  Edited By Henry

I really vary quite a bit, but I mainly use fox and falco, and if the mood strikes me Marth. Snake is just fun to use, because he is really different from everyone else, and if I'm really bored I will be ganondorf and go in an online match and just warlock punch all over the place

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#10  Edited By Henry

I got all the way up to where Price and McMillan have to wait for the chopper by the ferris wheel, I just suck at doing endurance bouts in FPS's

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