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Hi guys, I came to Giant Bomb, From Gamespot. I heard alot about it from my friend's blogs on Gamespot, and I felt a sort of anger towards Gamespot over the Jeff situation, and find it admirable that he has now set his own site up. And I'm glad, by the looks of it, I've finally found a site that's dedicated to the GAMES and not the stupid Financial side anymore like Gamespot.

Anyway, if anybody knows me from Gamespot the names Samfisher_1 over there. My name in reality, is Luke Knockton. And I'm currently 16, studying Advanced I.C.T, Advanced Historic Sciences and Media Studies. Well, I like games alot, yet I cant play as much as I used to due to Studying, and the ever need to satisfy my Girlfriend.

A bit about me really, I play the Guitar, Listen to mostly Metal (But I generally like everything), I like Films but not TV...I do enjoy the Music Channels and Lost. That's it really

If you want to add me I'll be happy to get to know you, I also have an xbox360 so im on Live alot too, Hit me up if you want a game :)