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Games I Think People Should Play

These are the games I have greatly enjoyed over time and have incredibly fond memories of. I'm going to try to avoid the obvious, but if someone asks me what my favourite games are, they should be on this list...

List items

  • Take the great, mind-bending puzzles of the first, add in an improved narrative that goes to some weird places (Cave Johnson?), and you have a game that clears the lofty bar set by the original Portal.

  • Another flawed gem that seems to be what Borderlands would have been had Gearbox not changed the art style and with less 'loot'. Some great little touches too.

  • Quite possibly Rockstar's greatest release and the greatest 'cowboy' game ever released

  • Nothing short of incredible in its insanity. Astounding the gulf in quality between Saints Row 2 and this - an amazing release.

  • Makes the realistic approach that Thrasher took on the PSOne more accessible while removing some of the frustrating specificity of the first entry.

  • Another great take on the open world genre - fantastic hand-to-hand combat (which is often so badly done in this genre), a great story, and a fun driving model. A real sleeper hit.

  • It's not great, but it's a serviceable 3rd person shooter that handles sniping better than a lot of games had before. Plus: X-Ray!

  • A great (for the time) tactical shooter, but what really made it interesting was the functioning voice commands.

  • I don't think ANYONE expected this to work out as well as it did. Short, but amazing.

  • Another game that could have, and many thought, would have been disastrous. A great narrative, nice and simple gameplay, and hilariously insane moments aplenty.

  • Wow. Just, wow. Great style, a strong story, and played really well.

  • At times, brutally difficult. But oh so satisfying and a great 'old-school' challenge.

  • Baseball made accessible and simple. More importantly, for a person who has little connection to baseball, it's baseball made fun.