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Here We Go

 A Short Introduction
I know I'm a bit late to the party with this one, but pretty much all of my reviews are going to be like this since I just now got back into the console scene after a 4 year long, soul-devouring journey into the World Of Warcraft. I finally picked up a current gen console after much procrastination and finally coming to terms that there are other games out there besides WoW (gasp, what a concept). I'm still going to be going back to WoW once Cataclysm hits but I will still be continuing my journey through what I've missed out on the past few years. I will be going back to review some older titles because, like I said, there have been a lot of really great games that I haven't had the opportunity to experience. I will be going through newer titles as well as I get to them/as they come out so there is that as well. Also I'm no professional here, this is just a way for me to start feeling the waters and get back to doing what I love; playing games.  
SO over the course of the next few months here I hope (if time wills it) to be putting out quite a few reviews/posts of these games as I go through them and work my way through this mountainous pile of titles I am wanting to play.  
Also on a side note, I don't go out and play every game that is released. I'm a very picky gamer and have a very specific list of things that I like in games. TLDR; they have to appeal to me. What that is I'm not going to bother to explain, but perhaps you will start to pick up on what that is over time. So I am not going to be reviewing every single title (even if it gets  a lot of hype) that comes out. That's just not how I chose which games to play. 



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Edited By hip_happer

 A Short Introduction
I know I'm a bit late to the party with this one, but pretty much all of my reviews are going to be like this since I just now got back into the console scene after a 4 year long, soul-devouring journey into the World Of Warcraft. I finally picked up a current gen console after much procrastination and finally coming to terms that there are other games out there besides WoW (gasp, what a concept). I'm still going to be going back to WoW once Cataclysm hits but I will still be continuing my journey through what I've missed out on the past few years. I will be going back to review some older titles because, like I said, there have been a lot of really great games that I haven't had the opportunity to experience. I will be going through newer titles as well as I get to them/as they come out so there is that as well. Also I'm no professional here, this is just a way for me to start feeling the waters and get back to doing what I love; playing games.  
SO over the course of the next few months here I hope (if time wills it) to be putting out quite a few reviews/posts of these games as I go through them and work my way through this mountainous pile of titles I am wanting to play.  
Also on a side note, I don't go out and play every game that is released. I'm a very picky gamer and have a very specific list of things that I like in games. TLDR; they have to appeal to me. What that is I'm not going to bother to explain, but perhaps you will start to pick up on what that is over time. So I am not going to be reviewing every single title (even if it gets  a lot of hype) that comes out. That's just not how I chose which games to play.