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Hot Tub Supplies

Now that you have purchased your hot tub, and it is sitting like a vision of absolute bliss in your garden, there are a few hot tub supplies you may want to buy to prolong the lifespan of your tub. If you want convenience, you can purchase your supplies online so you can have everything delivered directly to your doorstep. Below are just a few of the many supplies you can buy to make your hot tub swim experience more worthwhile.

When purchasing hot tub supplies, one of the most important items to purchase is a cover. Some tubs will come with a cover, but if it doesn't, or the old one is beyond repair, then you really need to consider a new one. Many suppliers offer a wide range of covers in different shapes and sizes, from bog standard square and round ones to elliptical and unusual or over-sized models. Just don't go for the cheapest and flimsiest cover. Moreover, the most expensive ones will last longer so it will pay for itself in the long run. Hot tub covers will not only keep your water and tub clean and protected from the elements, but it will also keep the heat in your tub thereby, saving you money.

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When purchasing hot tub supplies, you should never forget chemicals and filters. The quality of your water is very important and keeping it at a safe and hygienic level does require some work. Good-quality replacement filters are all you need, and they are widely available. Sanitizers, water clarifiers, PH, calcium, and alkalinity balancers and ozone generators are just a few of the chemicals that you will need. These chemicals will keep your hot tub water clean and ready for use whenever you want it.

Accessories are not a necessity, but they will help to add comfort and convenience. You may add steps to your hot tub, should you find it difficult to get in and out of it. A set of steps is a must, and they come in a wide variety of sizes and styles. You can choose from wood and plastic to suit your tub's style. Side accessories are also amazing hot tub supplies. You can add shelves and side tables to your hot tub, so you always have everything you need within arm’s reach.

If you want to turn your hot tub into a refreshing spa, you can buy aromatherapy and essential oils. You may add these oils to the water and they will help you de-stress and relax. There are also many spa crystals, mood crystals, and essential minerals that you can use to make your hot tub a perfect piece of heaven.

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