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I just posted my honorable mentions for GOTY this year.

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Game of the Year 2016 #7 - Rebel Galaxy

Welcome back to the continuing reveal of my Top 10 Games of the Year. If you have missed any of the previous games, you can look at #10, #9 and #8. Now, on to #7.

7. Rebel Galaxy

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This was a game that I really wanted to play. I had to wait for it to come to the Xbone since the only computer I have is a MacBook Pro that’s not super powerful. Once it was on the Xbone I immediately downloaded it and began playing it. I immediately fell in love with the game and how it just throws you into the universe. The story of the game is largely forgettable but the action it brings you through in the story is excellent. My favorite part is the combat. If you have played Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, then you know what it’s like. The cool thing is that you can change what kind of weapons you use. If you want to get up close and personal, then you can use a shotgun like weapon or you can choose to fight with long range weapons as well. The amount of customization you can engage with is excellent. From figuring out what kind of shields you use to what kind of engine/special weapon and many more things, you can play the game how you want to.

The reason that I have it this low is I feel that the technical aspects of the game were kind of bad with the framerate dipping in higher activity times. The other thing is that the difficulty spike when I played it was so insane that I stopped playing the game for around 3 months. I did go back and finish the story after figuring out how to get around the difficulty spike though. It was not a great impression to give someone otherwise it would have been higher on my list.

Thanks for reading and come back tomorrow, where, we’ll take a look at the #5 and 6 games.

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