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I just posted my honorable mentions for GOTY this year.

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GotY 2014: #10 Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition (Xbox One)

Here we go. The main event is starting now. These blogs will feature one game per day with my thoughts about the game, why I enjoyed it and hopefully get across why it is one of my Top 10 games of the year. So, without any more delay, my Game of the Year blogs continue with #10:

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Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition

Some background is in order to start off this entry. I had not played any Diablo game until I played Diablo 3 on 360. I loved the hell out of that game and really enjoyed playing it. I played it for at least 40 hours(if not longer) as I leveled up 3 different classes to the maximum level. When they announced that this version was coming to the new consoles, I felt like buying it to both try out the Crusader class and also to see how the expansion fits into the story and what happens in it.

When I started a new game, I played through as a Crusader. I watched and read all of the story stuff(more on this later) since it had been a while after I had originally played the game. I then played through at leveled the character up to 70. I then decided to level each and every class up to 70. I even did a hardcore character that got up to level 70. My time with the game was mostly solo with only a small amount of my total play time being done with others. This game became my podcast/music game since once you watch and listen to the story the first time you don't need to see or hear it again.

My time playing this game again was an amazing time but it was an old game. It's fitting that this game is the only disc based game that was originally last gen that made my list this year. The thing that really dragged this game down is it's story. Now, most people would put that word in quotes, but I feel they did their best so I won't ridicule them for it. The other thing that really bothered me was how loot on the higher difficulties worked themselves out. When you are trying to get better loot at levels 60-70, you don't get as much of an upgrade as you might think you should. Now, some might say that's the point because they want you to keep playing, but I would have liked for it to be a little quicker or have better items drop more often. However, they kept me playing the game for around 50 hours or so and I can't complain that much.

Thanks for reading and tomorrow will feature my #9 game of the year. You had better hope the dead don't rise if you want to see it.