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XDK Apps, and 007 Game

On my XDK, I have a few apps, as well as a Debug version of the game 007: From Russia With Love.
Here's the Audio Console App (I can't get it past this screen, likely because I don't have the hardware):

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DolphinClassic App (just a Dolphin swimming around, likely for graphical testing/showcase):
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  Gamepad App (there's 4 parts to this, used as a testing application for all parts of a Gamepad):
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Second Part: 
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Third part:
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  Fourth Part:
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Now for the game.  I only took a few shots of it.  A lot of the menu's are semi-incomprehensible.  Also, the game doesn't work right.  I can get it to boot, but the second I actually gain control of Bond, it freezes up.  I have two different executable's (or as Will Smith would say " Exzécutable"), one is labeled QA (Quality Assurance, most likely) the other is labeled "TM" (I'd guess for Test Mode).  The TM XBE just gives me a "There's a problem with the disk, it might be dirty or damaged" error.  The QA XBE does boot, I can get into the game, watch the opening movie, but when I gain control, it freezes.  The other pics are what happens when you don't select either XBE, and it goes into the Debugger.
The Core Menu:
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The Audio Menu (blurry, sorry):
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VFX Menu:
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Debugger Shot:
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Game screenshot (this is where I can get to, but it freezes at this spot):

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 Well, hope you've enjoyed my few postings.  It's a neat trinket, but ultimately kind of useless.  I can't get it to boot a normal game (even though it does have the actual dashboard), but I still like it.  Drop a line if you have any questions, or comments.