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My quick impressions on Rage

Before I start with telling you my impressions on Rage let me begin by saying I am not far AT ALL into the game. With that said, I can already tell you this game is going to be great, and all of the reviews so far would probably agree with me.

Here's what I'll say about the graphics in the game. They live up to what was expected from the game. When I saw the demos from E3 on Rage I didn't believe that the console version would look anything like the PC version (like most other games these days). I can happily say I was wrong. The game looks incredible. In fact it's probably one of the best, if not the best looking, console games out so far. Also, I don't know how they did it, but they found a way to lock that framerate at a solid 60. It's great

One misconception I had on the game before starting was that it was going to be a lot more like borderlands, and this is not the case. If you are looking for a borderlands 1.5 then you should look elsewhere. Although there is loot, and some mild RPG elements, it's not a looting RPG game at all. There are quests, but the quests seem to send you into smaller environments that play a lot like other Id Software games. If you liked the gameplay of Quake, Doom, or even Wolfenstein you will enjoy what you find in Rage. It's Id doing what Id does best. I can't speak about the car combat yet because so far all I have had the chance to drive is the four wheeler that they give you at the beginning of the game.

Once I get further into the game I'll probably update you on how the game is fairing for me.

See you tomorrow,
