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#1  Edited By iceferret

I think a lot of these articles are missing the point, especially considering the vast majority are comparing the ending of ME3 to Lost and The Sopranos. Ending a game in the same fashion as either of those two shows is a no go in my opinion when that game belongs to a franchise that the publisher expects to continue milking. Polarizing their audience in such a way is a mistake, especially if they want you to then dish out for DLC a month down the road. Those developers need to be a lot more conscious of how they treat their audience, as the relationship they have to their players is very different to a show/viewer. Whereas Lost or Sorpranos are done, all wrapped up with the vision the show-runners intended, like it or not. They are artistically complete units, with no intention of revisiting the setting and requiring the viewer-ship to be maintained, so they can afford to piss a large group of the fan-base off in the end with a non crowd pleasing ending. A franchise developer cannot, hence why they "should" do something about it.