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Halo 4 was tough. Really good game, though. Loved the Starfox-esque flying on the last level.

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  • This was basically a good episode of the show with some light RPG mechanics. Not much to get in the way of a fun story.

  • Like two of my favorite games--Arkham Asylum and AC: Brotherhood--I was inspired to go back into the world after finishing the story to complete the side missions.

  • This game is hard to stop once you get going on a few good runs.

  • Fun way to pass the time. It can be frustrating at times, but wow, are wins exciting.

  • A good way to make a WWII shooter more interesting. Good action and an intriguing story.

  • I held off on buying the expansion for a long time, but I shouldn't have. It's just more Diablo. And that's never a bad thing.

  • Beautiful, emotional story. Excellent follow-up to To the Moon.

  • Gorgeous game and the action was pretty spot-on for Bungie. Unfortunately the story missions were pretty forgettable.

  • Nothing wrong with this installment of CoD. I was more engaged with the story than usual, and the added suit mechanics were quite nice.

  • I need to spend more time with this game, as it did not immediately grab me.

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