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Xbox 360 "What Next?"

After playing around with the latest dashboard update for the Xbox 360 I found myself wondering, what else would I add to the Xbox's dashboard.  Well here are a few of my ideas, I'll add more here whenever I think of more and I'd love to hear what everone else thinks.

Integrate Leaderboards Into The Dashboard

A lot of games righht now are working hard on building stat tracking software into websites, the most recent examples are GTA IV, CoD:WaW, Gears of War 2 and of course Halo 3.  What I'd like is that when I click on Halo 3 on my gamercard or my friends gamercard I'd like to be able to see our stats in that game and compare them to each other.  I doesn't have to be for every game, in fact I don't want it to, does anybody honestly really need to compare stats on Mass Effect or Blue Dragon?  No, of course not.  But comparing how many Overkills I have in Halo 3 or looking at somebody's kill/death ratio on Call of Duty?  I'd really like that.  I know that a lot of games I can look at this stuff on a games leaderboards or maybe on their website but it would be awesome to just have it all there on the dashboard.

As an extension to this idea maybe Microsoft should allow developers to allow their own media players to become downloads.  Again using Halo 3 as the example, a dashboard app that allowed players to vieww their Halo 3 screenshots, have screenshots sent to them by their friendes or maybe even allow people to search through Bungie.nets extensive collection of screenshots, videos and game types.  If they were smart they could allow people to play their Halo 3 saved films to their freiends who don'#t have Halo 3 and maybe that could even convince some people to buy Halo 3, who knows but it would definetewly be pretty cool.

Community Groups

Much like Steam or maybe even Facebook I think groups could be an interesting addition to the Xbox Dashboard.  Imagine being able to join the "Giant Bombers" group, the "Achievement Hunter" group or maybe the "I Hate 12 Year Old Kids" group and playing with a group of people that all want to play games in the same way that you do.  You could create the group in the same way as Facebook and have your own rules, add special events where you only play with people in the group, favorite games, maybe an image to represent your group, see who is online and then play games with them.  It would be a pretty community friendly way of adding clans and have people play with complete strangers and know that they have some common interests.  

Oh and while were nearly on the subject, those "community nights" and "Game With Fame" nights.  Complete Bullshit.  Any one of those things can be borken down into "Go Play this game".  There is almost zero chance of you ever finding anybody who is taking part in this.  Play with Jack Black on Halo 3?  Yea I'd love to, chances I run into him on the most played game on Xbox Live and actually recognise him?  Less than a 0.001% chance, easily.  Either make them mean something or scrap them entirely.

Download Full 360 Titles

OK I'm pretty sure this one is already in the making somewhere but I might as well include it.  People should be able to download full versions of retail 360 titles.  I'm thinking games along the lines of Bioshock and Halo 3, not XBLA titles.  Due to the Xbox Originals program we already know that the infustructure is in place for larger games to be downloaded.  Even if they asked that you be connected to Xbox Live while playing the game I don't think that that is too demanding.  Imagine a steam like service where you can pay for your game, download it the day before launch and then when 12:01 comes on launch day the game unlocks and is ready to play.  I'm certain people wiould use this service.  Burnout Paradise has already demonstrated how many sales this can pull in on the Playstation store so why not bring this to the Xbox 360?

I'll add more when I think of them over the next few days, I'm aiming for 5 at the moment and I'm sorta going for rather big things that I would love to see implemeted.

Any of you guys got any idea?  Post them below, I'd love to hear them.


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Edited By IncredibleBulk92
After playing around with the latest dashboard update for the Xbox 360 I found myself wondering, what else would I add to the Xbox's dashboard.  Well here are a few of my ideas, I'll add more here whenever I think of more and I'd love to hear what everone else thinks.

Integrate Leaderboards Into The Dashboard

A lot of games righht now are working hard on building stat tracking software into websites, the most recent examples are GTA IV, CoD:WaW, Gears of War 2 and of course Halo 3.  What I'd like is that when I click on Halo 3 on my gamercard or my friends gamercard I'd like to be able to see our stats in that game and compare them to each other.  I doesn't have to be for every game, in fact I don't want it to, does anybody honestly really need to compare stats on Mass Effect or Blue Dragon?  No, of course not.  But comparing how many Overkills I have in Halo 3 or looking at somebody's kill/death ratio on Call of Duty?  I'd really like that.  I know that a lot of games I can look at this stuff on a games leaderboards or maybe on their website but it would be awesome to just have it all there on the dashboard.

As an extension to this idea maybe Microsoft should allow developers to allow their own media players to become downloads.  Again using Halo 3 as the example, a dashboard app that allowed players to vieww their Halo 3 screenshots, have screenshots sent to them by their friendes or maybe even allow people to search through Bungie.nets extensive collection of screenshots, videos and game types.  If they were smart they could allow people to play their Halo 3 saved films to their freiends who don'#t have Halo 3 and maybe that could even convince some people to buy Halo 3, who knows but it would definetewly be pretty cool.

Community Groups

Much like Steam or maybe even Facebook I think groups could be an interesting addition to the Xbox Dashboard.  Imagine being able to join the "Giant Bombers" group, the "Achievement Hunter" group or maybe the "I Hate 12 Year Old Kids" group and playing with a group of people that all want to play games in the same way that you do.  You could create the group in the same way as Facebook and have your own rules, add special events where you only play with people in the group, favorite games, maybe an image to represent your group, see who is online and then play games with them.  It would be a pretty community friendly way of adding clans and have people play with complete strangers and know that they have some common interests.  

Oh and while were nearly on the subject, those "community nights" and "Game With Fame" nights.  Complete Bullshit.  Any one of those things can be borken down into "Go Play this game".  There is almost zero chance of you ever finding anybody who is taking part in this.  Play with Jack Black on Halo 3?  Yea I'd love to, chances I run into him on the most played game on Xbox Live and actually recognise him?  Less than a 0.001% chance, easily.  Either make them mean something or scrap them entirely.

Download Full 360 Titles

OK I'm pretty sure this one is already in the making somewhere but I might as well include it.  People should be able to download full versions of retail 360 titles.  I'm thinking games along the lines of Bioshock and Halo 3, not XBLA titles.  Due to the Xbox Originals program we already know that the infustructure is in place for larger games to be downloaded.  Even if they asked that you be connected to Xbox Live while playing the game I don't think that that is too demanding.  Imagine a steam like service where you can pay for your game, download it the day before launch and then when 12:01 comes on launch day the game unlocks and is ready to play.  I'm certain people wiould use this service.  Burnout Paradise has already demonstrated how many sales this can pull in on the Playstation store so why not bring this to the Xbox 360?

I'll add more when I think of them over the next few days, I'm aiming for 5 at the moment and I'm sorta going for rather big things that I would love to see implemeted.

Any of you guys got any idea?  Post them below, I'd love to hear them.
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Edited By Otacon

The Groups idea sounds very good to me.

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Edited By IncredibleBulk92

Yea I think that would be great.  Imagine joining a "Left4Dead Decent Teamates" group and only playing with those guys in Left4Dead or have it prefer people who are a part of that group.  Make them much more likely to be found.  Something dumb like that could be exactly what sames like L4D need.