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Bioware is ONE of a kind, unique developer.

Bioware is ONE of a kind, unique. all of their games seem to be based around the same mechanics, they are not .each game is a masterpiece. i Do not know or cannot think of any other developer like bioware. they make games like NOOONE other does. their games have choice , passion ,moral choices , character depth , romance , and last but not least astounding action. And most of all huge length and great replay value. because when you replay each game things are gonna be different from what you remembered it to be.

Suppose bioware is gone. Like 2012 for example. DAMN one part of gaming inside me will just vanish. Gaming will not be the same again, cause there are not any other deveolpers like bioware.

SO i wish there were more developers like bioware. They put passion in their games and they just do not get the recognition the should. You can see that in sales, not that their games sell bad but other games sell a lot more when they SHOULD NOT. cough**MW2-halo odst**cough. You also can see that cause people don t mention bioware like other developers , like bungie or naughty dog (not that bungie or naughty dog aren t awesome). I realised my self that when dragon age will be finished i ll be SO much wating the next bioware game, like i did when i finished mass effect on pc. i was SO excited about mass effect 2 and dragon age.

So until 2012 just SUPPORT bioware by buying their games .