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More of the Blog that no one reads

Birds are falling out of the sky, fish are washing up dead on shore, the Atlanta Falcons have the best record in the NFC, and GT5 is not getting 10/10 ratings. Clearly, the end of the world is just a red moon or Zombie uprising away.  Welcome to 2011!
Yes, according the Mayan calendar, we are now a mere year and 11 months from the end of the world. So, I thought I'd make a list of things to do before the world ends in December of 2012 (this list is simply a starting point for your own list, use it as "jumping off point" if you will):
1. Locate and buy a McRib, then see if your pet will eat it.
2. Figure out why Donkey Kong is named Donkey Kong. Is he a Donkey? If so, why the Ape suit?
3. Go to GameStop and  insist they pay $55 for your used copy of COD: Modern Warfare 2, then offer them $2 for Black Ops.
4. Figure out a rhyme for the word "Orange"
5. Buy Samus something nice to wear. 
6. Invent a device that ruptures the ear drum of anyone on Xbox Live who whispers the phrase "Look behind you"
7. Play more less WoW...wait...
8. Find that smiley State Farm Insurance spokesperson guy and kick him as hard as you can in the ankle.
9. Clone yourself, then both of you watch the Robot Chicken and Family Guy Star Wars trilogies (again), then debate with yourself about which is better. If you can't come to an agreement....Thunderdome - you vs. you.
10. Write a Blog that someone reads.
And there you have it. Let's make the most of the Year and 11 months we have left. If you have suggestions on things to do before we run out of time, please be sure to list them here for no one to enjoy.
Thanks and Happy New Year!


The Blog that no one reads


I sometimes wonder why people write blogs that no one reads. Like this one for instance. Perhaps it's the fact that it's easier and cheaper than therapy. Is there comfort in expressing your woes and joys to an empty room in corner of the Internet somewhere? I guess so.

I would say that at least this answers one question: "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it fall, does it make a sound?" Well, if a person writes a blog and no one reads it, it's still written, so I have to conclude (probably falsely) that yes, the blog is written, ergo the sound is made.

Anywho...we recently released the new version of Mooch ( (BTW, I'm the founder of the site and have been working on it for years.) I think we've fixed the issues that made the initial beta less than perfect. The site is really amazing now and members are reacting with positive feedback. That makes me happy. All the imaginary people in my head who are reading this now should check it out.

Hmmm, should I dare to play WoW Cataclysm when it comes out or will the time suck be the end of me?

Have a nice day no one.