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Finished Resident Evil 2. Another game off the backlog!

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January 50%

I started this year out really wanting to tackle games in my backlog. As do many gamers every year, but I wanted this time to be different. At the end of the year I want to look back at 2020 and say "damn, this may be one of my best years in gaming.". With new consoles coming holiday of this year its time I make time for the ones I missed this generation and even ones previously. I don't plan to finish everything on my list but I would love to really put one hell of a dent into it.

I have started off strong so far, we are 3 weeks into January and I have finished 3 game. I am no math major but that's a game a week! If I can continue that pace I can clear half my backlog this year. I have already added games to my backlog on my list page that I plan to play this year so this lists should not grow much...I wanted to have 100 games on the list and so far I have 91 currently with 3 already deleted off so that gives me a 6 games of wiggle room if I want to add them later this year.

I don't know if anybody will read this or even care but having others read this is not why I am doing it. I am doing it to chronicle this year for myself and let this motivate me to have something to write about twice a month (I plan to update half way through the month and the end of the month). For anybody who does read this sorry for the grammatical, spelling errors, etc. I am not much for going back to check my work haha. But if anybody is reading thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have been up too and how I am gaming in 2020. I would also love to hear how you are gaming this year! Got a goal? Killing your backlog? Reach out and lets talk some games!

If you are interested in what I am playing you can check out my lists on my page, I have my "2020 backlog" list and my "Bucket List" my bucket list is a list of games I missed growing up that are some of the most genre defining or impactful games of all time. I want to experience them and feel it is important to play them as a gamer before I "kick the bucket".

That is about it for my first few weeks in January, I will be back at the end of the month to update on how the month ended for me. I don't plan on just blogging my progress but streaming the games I play as well. I haven't quite organized the kinks out quite yet on a schedule due to my day job being taking up quite a bit of my time and the time I am available being different each week but I will try and know soon maybe at least before February.

Back to games!
