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Has video gaming got fun again?

Is it just me or has video gaming just got fun again? 
Maybe its the time of year and there are more releases or maybe there are just more titles out that fall into my category of interest, but gaming seems to have become more fun lately. Titles like Super Meat Boy, Pac Man CE DX, AC: Brotherhood, Fallout: NV and NBA Jam are just out or around the corner and it feels like the best gaming time I have had in years.  
I am a sucker for nostalgia so maybe it is just great classic title re-releases winning me over*, but Super Meat Boy (SMB) stands as my GOTY at the moment. NBA Jam might knock it off the top spot - I don't know, but I have played a lot of games this year and NONE of them have been as much fun as SMB. That isn't to say we haven't seen some amazing high-budget titles this year that haven't blown me away, indeed with titles like Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake (I loved it even if you Yanks didn't) and BLOPS it hasn't exactly been a year short on top notch games. 
So why am I having so much fun at the moment video gaming? Maybe there is just more for me to pick at, I don't know. But for the most part it seems like a lot of developers are finding fantastic ways to give their games better replay value. Achievements/Trophies, multiple game modes, perk systems, levelling and alternate styles of gaming provide me with more opportunity than ever to throw hours into a game, often for a meagre reward that you hold high with pride. 
It really is a great time to be gaming, don't you think? Or can you think of an even better time? 

*Maybe its the fact I jumped from PS3 to XBOX recently?