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The great Final Fantasy XIII clearup

 So I have currently found myself in a bit of a situation - too many games - I want to complete them all but am struggling with getting them all played, This is my situation so far:
Dragon Age: origins (32 hours in)
Mass Effect (10 hours in, want to beat before moving onto ME2)
Mass Effect 2 (Not started)
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time (About 30 minutes in)
Valkyria Chronicles (About 34 hours played with about 3-4 Chapters left to beat)
Indigo Prophecy / Fahrenheit (Not started but want to complete before playing Heavy Rain)
Heavy Rain (Not started or even purchased yet but will definitely do this)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots (Start of Third Chapter but just picked up after two years so might start again to remember the story and such)
Borderlands (Level 31 - About 3/4 of my way through my first playthrough)
Gears of War 2 (About an hour into it) 
I want to get these all done before moving onto and playing Final Fantasy XIII