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43+ hrs into DQ VIII

Wow that was really, really annoying.  I was doing the Herb level in the snowy mountains, but I couldn't trigger the meeting with the herb dude.  After searching the internet, I finally figured out I needed to talk to some people?  Not sure, I spoke with the item dude before and he told me to go to the cave.  I guess I never actually went into the bed room but did make it to the room with is cauldron.  Oh well--whatever it was, I went back to the town, entered both his rooms, talked to the item dude and his wife and back in the cave looked at his campfire--that worked.  I suppose it did give me more leveling up and money.

After 43 hours into the game, I came across the first real annoying part of the game.  I forgot that in past games, normal random enemies could cast magic to kill your entire party.  This is totally annoying and wish it didn't exist in this game, but I suppose it is an old school JRPG and that's what they do, but it doesn't make it any easier to tolerate when your entire party is wiped out by a random dude in the overworld.

And I guess Jessica is the only character in the game that can change outfits?  I realize that she's "va-va-voom", but I really wouldn't have minded the other characters changing their wardrobe depending on what they were equipped with.  I mean you get to see the new weapons and shields, but new outfits would have also been nice.  The first game that let me do this that I can remember was Ultima VII:   the Serpent Isle and that was in 1993.  I think that DQ IX will let you dress up your character though...