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Just got FFXII

Well after seeing some of the new videos from FFXIII, I was inspired to go out and get FFXII.  I thought--for $12.99 new, you can't go wrong.  So far, I'm 3.5+ hours into the game and from my past experiences with JRPGs, I haven't really even started the game yet.  

Anyway--what's up with the camera controls?  The camera is driving me crazy.  It has what I consider "inverted" controls where you press left and the camera swings right and when you press right, the camera swings left.  After playing a bunch of FPS's on the consoles now, I cannot stand controls like this.  First of all, it seems like a Japanese thing to do.  What's even more Japanese is you not being able to customize your controls the way you want.  Being a long time gamer, it's seems like customization and open endedness has been a hallmark of western developed games.  I first started to notice this in PC gaming, and as a kid, didn't like it too much.  I thought of western developed games as games where you could totally screw yourself and find yourself not being able to continue (see any Ultimas).  Japanese games, on-the-other-hand, seem to be designed to have everything you need around.   Today though, it seems that western developers has gotten the hang of the "not screwing you" thing and manages to provide open ended gameplay, along with mostly customizable stuff (controls, characters, etc...).  The Japanese though, makes you play the game they want you to play.  I do appreciate both, but really hate it when people make you play with jacked-up controls, and it seems like the Japanese are the primary culprits.  

Whoa, kind of got of tract there.  Well, the game seems pretty fun so far and look forward to getting some more party members and see what this battle system can do.  I've been playing DQVIII for 53+ hrs and needed a break from the old-school game design.  I guess I've always been more of a FF fan.  Well, hopefully I can finish both this and DQVIII before Infamous comes out.