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League of Legends - 2 videos I recorded HYPE!

I've been playing LoL for a while now and I'm loving it, I finally got fraps working so I recorded 2 matches last night. Also included is the Skype call that I was in with 2 other players ( Specialbuddy (aka Canned) and Annuvis) we use Skype because vent is for hozers.
The first match is me playing Jax, hes really fun dps/tank and hes kinda OP so it makes me look good! The second video (which is a 5v4) is me playing Morgana which is a Support char who has also of great spells to help out in team fights. Emebed in playlists for easier viewing.

Hopefully I will keep recording more matches as the above 2 aren't the best but o well they will do for now.