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Thing for SRK

Pre SF4 I the only fighting games I had played were Mk vs DC and Soul Caliber 2 and 4. I enjoyed both, but I never really understood either in terms of what high level play ment and how it was “suppose to be played” as oppose to just button mashing. Then SF4 came out and it clicked, I could understand what was going on even when I got my ass handed too me. I decided I wanted to get seriouse about SF4 so I orderd a Mad Catz SE stick and modded it my self so it wasn’t trash and then a few months later I bought a TE Round 2 because it “Looked better”. I practiced to get better to try to “level up” for the first time ever in a fighting game I could hold my own, I very rearly got destoryed because I didn’t understand what was going on (I still got raped but for different reasons) and I was always having a blast doing it. While I was playing the game I was also watching as many Streams and Videos as I could to try to learn a few things but mostly for the entertainment value. If you asked me to watch a hockey game or Keystone or some other SF4 stream I would pick the stream in a second that shit was like crack. As 2009 winded down I had to start thinking about a GOTY, the choice was obvious SF4 was my GOTY for 2009 not only because of how much fun I had but just because of the overall effect it had on my life. Speaking of which, one late night after playing League of Legends I was informed of “Local SRK threads” and was happy to find a London thread I was only abel to attend a few meetings before school took over but now that summer is here I will be able to go a lot more.

SSF4 is here and   I’m still lovin it, my main right now is Blanka (because I hate my self) and my alt has to be Dee Jay. I look forward to playing a lot more matches in person (instead of online) and just having a good time.

Get Hype.