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Best of 2012

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  • HD version counts. The return to the classic was cool as heck. Rather well on the PC, with most of the features you'd expect. Now let's see if Sega wants to HD the sequel, too.

  • The finale in the Arland Trilogy, and probably the most refined system-wise that Gust has put out yet. Pretty awesome game if you're a fan of character and development of said characters.

  • A crafty little action RPG with cool bosses, cool fighting systems and a nice set of characters made this a ballin' ride.

  • I wasn't honestly expecting that much from this game, due to the developers previous history, but they certainly showed me that they can make a game. With an updated engine and a cute quirky set of characters to go with it, this was a rather fun adventure.

  • The first reason I dusted off the Wii this year was to play this, and it was a neat ride. With a combat system you don't really see done well or at all in action RPGs, and some cool characters this game was pretty slamming.

  • What a surprise this title was, there I was thinking the screenshots looked kinda iffy, but then once I dove in I have a complete blast, when I wasn't having bugs, that is. Even with the latest patch this game still suffers from some odd bugs, but it is probably my indie game of the year hands down.

  • Take a little bit of Monster Hunter and mix it with some From Software flare and you get this little romp from Capcom. A grand adventure and a large open world sets for making this a cool title. As per usual, Japanese developers prove that they are better at making WRPG styled games than they are.

  • The spiritual sequel to Cladun X2, now mastered in k00l HD glory. This game definitely picked up the difficulty towards the second half, but all-in-all it was a little bit short for the price tag.

  • Another return, building up a new version of NS pretty much lives up to the old days of Natural Selection, though with a couple of bugs and balance problems, still makes for a fun game.

  • A rather well done sandbox game, this time in the hoony city of Hong Kong. Sleeping Dogs also brings a lot of its own little bits of flavor to the genre, making it a solid game.


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Edited By rface

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