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Battlefield 4: Two steps forward, one step back (PC)

For as much time as I sink into Battlefield 4 with my friends, you think I'd have better morals. You'd think that after getting crapped on with buggy patches, I would throw my 870 MCS into the air, violently scream "F THIS!" and move onto different titles. Unfortunately, I'm addicted, and take the punishment like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on any given Sunday (yes, I'm a fan). For what's worth, I play this on PC.

The latest patch, which primary includes support for AMD's Mantle technology, has essentially broken many other aspects of the game. One nasty side effect we learned of last night is the inability to be secondary in any armor. That's right. If you enter the gunner seat of a LAV or a tank, guess what? Well, depending on your rig, one of two things happen. You either get booted back to Battlelog after a fifteen second black screen, or your spawn into a vehicle without being able to use any weapon at all.

Other infamous glitches included the unrepairable vehicle, server sound effects being eternally stuck in end game music (which overrides all sound effects - the best feature of the game!) and servers which, despite our sub 35 ms ping, have pretty insane rubber banding and stuttering issues. For a game that has been on the street since October, this kind of game patching is out of control. And disheartening.

Yet, for all my whining, I still stayed up until 2:30 last night playing with my buddies. So much for taking the high ground and turning my back to the game until it can prove to me that it has truly been fixed. Of course, after watching me still grind through Skyrim on PlayStation 3, you can definitely assume I'm a glutton for punishment.

Battlefield 4 is absolutely amazing when it works. The team over at EA / DICE have a real winner on their hands. I have no doubt I'll sink hundreds of hours into this title, will upgrade to Premium, and will most likely pre-order Battlefield 5 the day it is announced. It's that amazing of a game to me. Yet, I struggle with the comprehension that this game is so broken beyond belief. These are major companies, and it's not like they needed the money and had to rush a delivery. Sure, I understand it was all about competition and posturing, but I can't say for certain if other Battlefielders are as forgiving as I am.

So fellahs: take a minute, really think about what you're doing, and fix the game. Weekly 1 GB patches are kind of obnoxious, and when they break new issues, raise necessary suspicion. We should be into polish patching by now, not fixing major issues. So let's go EA / DICE, and make this right. My patience begs of you. But if you don't, it's OK -- I'm still a fan, because when it works, it works so well.