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Seaman: Day Thirty-Two

As usual the frogmen are hungry by the time I see them and I hop over to the insect terrarium and grab a caterpillar; the unnamed frogman gets it. I have to wait a few minutes for some eggs to hatch in the insect terrarium; once they do I grab one of the caterpillars and feed it to Eddie. While waiting for Eddie to finish I adjust the temperature and turn the sprinkler on. Right after he finishes, the unnamed frogman exclaims he “wants to do it” and hops over towards Eddie and attaches his antennae to Eddie’s. This lasts only a few seconds and to my amazement, neither dies.

I begin chatting with the unnamed frogman and he begins talking about human politics. He has noticed that for nearly every country there is a unique form of governance. He knows that I reside in a democratic country and asks if I’m taking advantage of my power, am I registered to vote? He understands that there are really only two major parties and it may be hard for everyone to agree on anything, he wants to know what party I side with more. I answer Democrat and he wants to know if I sided with Bill Clinton on the whole “Monica” thing, which seems timely for when it came out. He also questions the effectiveness of our way of governing, wondering if there is a difference between rich middle aged white man A or rich middle aged white man B, and whether one voice means a difference in a country of millions.

He talks about how things were much simpler in the olden days with a king, emperor or pharaoh. He talks more about our political system and asks if I know what the electoral college is and what checks and balances are. A few minutes later he is “all talked out” and we say our goodbyes.