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Every Game Is Better When You're A Newb

Sorry sir just doing my job being badass and all.
Sorry sir just doing my job being badass and all.
Seriously I speak the truth right here. Well I hope or else that would make me a liar. Anway I've been thinking and as far back as I can remember games have always been more fun for me when i'm new at them with the exception of online shooters and RTS. Is it the fact that the games are new that makes them more fun are the fact that I haven't mastered them yet. I think its the latter atleast for me anyway. My latest example would have to be Splinter Cell Conviction, first playthrough on Realistic every corner offtered a challenge where I might die 20 times but damn if it wasn't fun too. 
Step by step I mastered the game one stealth kill at the time. When my second playthrough had come around calling I was the badass that was advertised in the trailers. I was an unstoppable killing machine with my fully upgraded assault rifle and pistol. I found the extra routes on the map, I found the enemy weakpoints, the best locations to take them out and suddenly I was invincible. I didn't mind I was now a certified badass that was at least until my third playthrough by then the game was just boring every location felt like a rutine my badassness felt like a 9-5 and well I moved on other affairs such as Hunter mode and what not. 
I found all the hidden packages what else was I supposed to do?
I found all the hidden packages what else was I supposed to do?
My point being well hopefully I have a point just wait and you'll see! Anyway in before the "No **** Sherlock" I found that games are most of the time wastly more fun when I suck at them believe it or not. When I'm a newb there is the hope that one day badassness will be mastered but the badassness is always hollow when mastered. To me this goes back to every open world game I've played too once your at top of the world well no wonder Tony Montana started doing coke. This also takes me back to other games released not more than six months back such as Uncharted 2, Assassins Creed 2 and Call of Duty: MW2. I suppose I've gotten my vaule out of the games but when you master them thats when stuff usually gets boring unless there is a little something something extra like multiplayer. 
Now I'm the kinda guy that plays through games several times I usually don't judge games on their first playthrough but often their second or third unless the games suck that is. If the game still retains the same fun as when I started out  well then it just a damn good game and I love to replay my games. Like when I play the GTA games the first thing I do when I've completed them is start a new game cause well once you complete them there is simply nothing really all that fun left. Minus random screwing around with fighter jets, parachuts, tanks and other awesome ****.  Which leads me to my last point/thingy developers step up your singleplayer. If there's gonna be a new game+ do it properly, If not make sure it still fun regaining all the stuff you lost. I want to be a badass but I don't want to be a badass with lasershark guns that can defeat entire armies with the click of a button.
I'll stop rambling now cause it was a very rambly blog. Yes I just said rambly.. oh yeah I'll shut up now.