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I Hate Madden

Madden. MADDEN!!! Its crazy how much hype madden gets. How many people waste $60 every year to buy this game. I cant believe it. Every year its practically the same. They add little things like new jukes and stuff like that. But it is the same game just different rosters. Which you can update if you have xbox live or PS3 online. It just makes me mad everyone is like this game is going to be the best madden. Well I use to buy maddens. Go and look at madden 07 and madden 08 maddens 07s graphics are the same if not better. What I think they should do is come out with a game called Madden. And you can update new game modes or new graphics and features over xbox live or PS3 online thta would keep everyone from wasteing money every year to buy practically the same game. And yes they should make the updates cost money but the shear repetetivness of madden is gettin on my nerves and I thik they need to take a drastic new direction on there games.



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Edited By Joob

Madden. MADDEN!!! Its crazy how much hype madden gets. How many people waste $60 every year to buy this game. I cant believe it. Every year its practically the same. They add little things like new jukes and stuff like that. But it is the same game just different rosters. Which you can update if you have xbox live or PS3 online. It just makes me mad everyone is like this game is going to be the best madden. Well I use to buy maddens. Go and look at madden 07 and madden 08 maddens 07s graphics are the same if not better. What I think they should do is come out with a game called Madden. And you can update new game modes or new graphics and features over xbox live or PS3 online thta would keep everyone from wasteing money every year to buy practically the same game. And yes they should make the updates cost money but the shear repetetivness of madden is gettin on my nerves and I thik they need to take a drastic new direction on there games.