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Me and My PS3

So... I spent much of last night finishing off Heavy Rain, and very much enjoyed it. I've had my PS3 for a few months now, but it's taken a while for us to get properly acquainted. I think it's time we spent some serious 'quality time' together.

Anyone got some game recommendations for me? I've got Enslaved and Bayonetta waiting, but I'm sure there are many more essential additions to my library...

Bear in mind I'm pretty useless at anything FPS, 'though if it has an easy mode I can generally manage... and war games make me fall asleep and/or cry. Medal of Honor came packaged with the PS3, and I don't think I'll ever even bother opening the shrinkwrap.

Storylines, characters, setting, atmosphere and quirkiness are far more important to me than gameplay.


Current game-related thoughts...

1. dead money is driving me insane. *YOU ARE BEING POISONED BY TOXIC GAS* oh god! shit! arse! *BEEPBEEPBEEP... YOUR COLLAR IS GOING TO EXPLODE SOON AND DECAPITATE YOU* bollocks! cocksocks! muthafuck!! time to run around in a blind panic before succumbing to one or the other of those hazards. either that or getting lasered to bits by a hologram/destroyed by a robotzombieghost thing. i'm just too highly-strung to deal with that sort of thing, y'know?
2. just pre-ordered dragon age 2, and very much looking forward to it, despite my issues with the demo. those being a) annoying little pictures for every speech comment you make, basically removing all the fun from that system. b) HELLO RIDICULOUSLY PROPORTIONED WOMEN! come on bioware, don't alienate your fangirls. you know we exist, alistair was especially for us, right? i'll leave it at that.
3. got a craving for some oblivion the other day, having not played it for oooh, a year or so. then it decided it didn't want to work at all, crashing before i even get to the menu screen. now i'm re-downloading it on steam. it is taking years. if it still doesn't work after that, i will kill someone. possibly you. possibly myself.