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Most Anticipated Games From E3 2010

E3 is a big event with some of the biggest game announcements of the year. These are the games that I am most excited for.  I am not trying to be original here, these are just my thoughts.

List items

  • Though I am not sure what the "Lightning Bolt Action" really means, this hacking and slashing MGS looks very promising.

  • What would an E3 be without Call of Duty. Black Ops looks like it is going to deliver the same non-stop action that we know and love about the CoD name. Even though I am getting a little tired of FPS's, I will be checking in on this one.

  • Okay I know I said that I am getting sick of FPS's but hey it's a Halo game. After playing the multiplayer beta and seeing the lengthy single player session, I can say that it is looking very good. If this game spells the end of the Halo franchise then I can not wait to see what Bungie puts out next. Also, SPACE BATTLES!

  • I am not a huge fan of this series. Something about it never really clicked with me. That being said, after watching the live game demo I got surprisingly pumped about this game. The intensity of everything happening on the screen got my heart racing. Who knows, this game might inspire me to actually give the first and second one another look.

  • I love everything Star Wars and Bioware. I still need to get my hands on it to truly see if this is going to be worth a subscription but everything I have seen so far looks positive. I am no stranger to MMOs being a WoW player for a number of years, so this seems right up my alley.

  • I played exactly zero seconds of the first Crysis and know little about this franchise. All I do know is Crysis 2 looks gorgeous. I am a little skeptical of the self proclaimed "open ended" nature of the campaign, but we will see what they do with it. I can't seem to get away from these FPS's.

  • FPS fatigue is upon me. Will this revitalize the genre? I cannot answer that question but rewarding the player for killing in unique ways is definitely a step in the right direction. There seems to be a trend happening here for this genre and that is Non-stop action all the time! And that is okay with me.

  • Kirby has been near and dear to my heart for many years. This game has a whole new art style that has blown me away. I am looking forward to any information that comes from this.

  • Oh Legend of Zelda. You have given me the most ups and downs of any game franchise I have played. I have stuck with you through thick and thin. This just announced title has an intresting look and I will keep a watchful eye on you in the future. But take as much time as you need because my Wii is going to be chalk full of games in the mean time.

  • If you can't tell by the list, I was more than impressed at what Nintendo showed in their press conference. This title looks like it has a ton of potential. The man behind Deus Ex is working on the game, it has unique paint mechanics and its freaking Disney. What more could a gamer ask for?

  • I have fond memories of me slamming my controller on the ground in frustration playing the first DKC for the SNES. I don't think I ever finished the first one but I guarantee I will play this new one from start to finish. Nintendo is sticking to its "If it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality here, so I am excited to see what Retro can do with this.

  • Five single artists working on the art direction for this game seems crazy for a "silly" side-scroller. When they announced this game I got a little confused about the guy talking about tools and such, but when it was finally seen in motion I was impressed. I don't have crazy nostalgia for Rayman so it will be interesting to what this game brings to the table.