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dis this (stupid IM convos)

[20:13] Insanemarine: fuck
[20:13] Insanemarine: dis this
[20:13] Insanemarine: is
[20:13] Insanemarine: pimp
[20:13] buffaloaf: which song? da one i linked?
[20:13] Insanemarine: no this food lol
[20:13] buffaloaf: oh wow rofl
[20:13] buffaloaf: i read dis song
[20:13] buffaloaf: and not
[20:13] buffaloaf: dis this
[20:13] Insanemarine: ive been eating peanut butter out of the jar like all day
[20:14] Insanemarine: LOL
[20:14] Insanemarine: i thought i wrote
[20:14] Insanemarine: shit
[20:14] Insanemarine: rofl
[20:14] Insanemarine: dis this
[20:14] buffaloaf: lol
[20:14] Insanemarine: rofl
[20:14] buffaloaf: looks like
[20:14] buffaloaf: we're both
[20:14] Insanemarine: we both
[20:14] buffaloaf: retarded
[20:14] Insanemarine: yeah
[20:14] Insanemarine: rofl

feel free to add any of your own retarded moments