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I feel like I have been listening to @giantbomb content since high school (over 10 years ago!) and being able to ke…

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My Gaming Tumblr

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So my attention span is too low to regularly make long posts, so instead of making a Blogger, I made a Tumblr. Basically what I post is anything that catches my eye, whether it be a news article, video, my own impressions on video games, or some crazy game-related paraphernalia floating around the web.

It's called leetonic,  check it out sometime.

Characters That Can Teach Us Life Lessons

Here's some characters that I think we can learn some sort of life lesson from. Do you have any characters that you think can actually teach valuable life lessons?


Now, Wander is an interesting character. On one hand, you have a man willing to do anything it takes to save his woman, even if it involves slaying a few colossi that aren't even looking for a fight in the first place. On the other, you have to wonder, when is far enough, far enough? For one, he's stolen some legendary sword and entered a FORBIDDEN LAND. Plus, with each kill he becomes less and less human. While I don't want to spoil how the game ends (for those four people who haven't played Colossus yet), the character makes you wonder, how far are you willing to go?


"Your princess is in another castle!" Mario is a man of persistence, to say the least. His beloved Peach is taken away from him time and time again, and he always rises to the occasion to save her, even if it involves going through countless castles before finding the right one. Sure, he might not be the best at navigating (else he would've found the castle she was in first!) but nothing can beat his can-do attitude.

Niko Bellic

Niko Bellic is a man who has practically lived in hell. An ex-soldier, problems continue to follow him as he moves to Liberty City. Niko tries to live decently, and can be caring to those close to him and horrible to his enemies. He is proof that in a world on fire it is still possible to hold onto values such as family, goodwill, and decency.


So, what am I up to?

I'll start off with this post to get it out of the way then make a proper intro post after I sleep

So I requested for a page to be made for Naruto Shippuuden: Shinobi Retsuden 3 and I was suprised at how promptly it was approved. Seeing how it's about midnight, I've just added some general information to start. I'm progressing through the game nicely, so as I learn more about the game I'll hopefully keep adding on to the page and eventually get a user review up for the game.

Admittedly, I'm not a huge Naruto fan (haven't read much past *SPOILER*Pain blowing up Konoha), so why am I doing this? I thought it'd be a neat way to start my contributions to the community because I just bought this game during my trip to Tokyo and I found it pretty good for what it is. So I thought, heck, I guess it deserves a page up here.

Anyways, it's off to bed for me. When I wake up expect a little more information from me on the game (screenshots perhaps).

[UPDATE: After much more play of the game, I can't stand it and no longer have inspiration to fill out its page. Maybe some other time...]



Well if I have to choose...

...information overload! Seriously there's so many groups following so many different simultaneous conferences and events you can get lost. Thankfully with Twitter (ya ya hate me later) it was a little easier because you can get bite-sized updates, but in the end it's hard to congest it all thoroughly. 

I think the smaller devs need some more limelight too. If anything this year proved it (bayonetta, scribblenauts to an extent). Is there still a Naiobi Hall or whatever? No right?