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Average score of 8 user reviews

Halo 3 ODST is worth the wait 0

So, after playing Halo 3 your expectations for ODST should be quite high, you may also be expecting new innovations in the Halo series and a game thats worth the full price tag, not just an expansion. ODST delivers on almost everything.ODST's story is nothing special but the way it is set up is, you play as the Rookie in an openworld night-time city, and search for clues for each of your squadmates, everytime you find a clue you are taken back to play as a different character and find out how th...

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Gears of War 2 is just plain fun 0

Anyone one who bought the first Gears, like me, would've been salavating in anticipation for the release of Gears 2 (ok, maybe not salavating, but really, really excited), and the anticipation has been met.So, everyoneone knows there was not much of a story in the first game, it was just moving from a to b, action style, for guys that like shootin stuff, blah, blah, blah. The second game will satisfy Mass Effect (possibly, maybe) fans with its storytelling. New characters are introduced and the...

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Fable 2 is all its cracked up to be 0

The first Fable was great, if a little disapointing, Fable 2 has been kept a bit quieter, but not from me, I've turning up every stone to find more and more information about the sequel to the best RPG on the original xbox. It's finally here, and I'm satisfied.Fable 2 is a true sequel to Fable and improves whereever it can. The graphics are fairly sound with some incredible vistas and settings that look great. The character model for your player is not so great but you can change your appearance...

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Mass Effect is immersive 0

I bought Mass Effect solely because I wanted to play a good RPG on the xbox 360. It surpassed my expectations far into another galaxy. If you are like me and waiting for Fable 2 this game might even make you forget about it for at least a month.This game is huge. A whole galaxy with hundreds of different planets is waiting for you to explore it. Mass Effect has an exciting, gripping and powerful story and excellent RPG elements that sets a high benchmark for other RPG's. You play as Commander Sh...

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Halo 3 is a masterpiece 1

The reason I bought an xbox 360 was for Halo 3. The Best multiplayer, The Best story, The Best score, and an excellent campaign and some stunning graphics. The familiar score of the Halo series is played as the menu screen appears, the first thing you do is click on the solo campaign and finish the fight!After you have finished the fight, which will include the best array of weapons and vehicles yet, some stunning environments and some unfortunate character graphics, also the new deployables and...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

BioShock is amazing 0

BioShock created a lot of hype when it was anounced and guess what? It has lived up to it. A horror game, an excellent underwater horror game. At the start of BioShock you are treated with dreary 1950 style music, and excellent water effects. At the end of the game you realise you've just been treated to good graphics, a superb story and the best horror game on the xbox 360.With 15+ hours of story telling goodness, complimented by good graphics, powerful enemies ( Big Daddies are tough) and and ...

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Forza Motorsport 2 rocks! 0

Forza 2 was on my wishlist from the start, the first game was excellent and this one does not waver from the track. With an imposing 300+ car list, almost flawless graphics and great tunes and tracks, this game is a must own for car racing fans.FM2 gets you right into the car racing vibe with modern day tunes hitting you at the menu screens. When you start the game, the realistic sound of the car engine roars in your ears. The cars are near real life, all 300 of them as close as a game can get t...

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Gears of War=Instant Classic 0

I am a Halo fan and when I heard about GOW, and how it was supposed to be as good as or better than the upcoming Halo 3, I didn't believe it. Some of my mates had bought it and had told me it was fantastic so I bought it later on that year for $40. The first thing I notest when I had started up the game was its amazing graphics, best I had ever seen. As soon as I started playing I was hooked, I was not out of my room for 2 days. It was a rather short game but it was jam packed full of fun and aw...

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