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First day

so it's the new year. It's kind of big thing if you really think about it. A whole new year and alot of things will happen again. If you think last year and what things REALLY happened it is kind of HUGE thing to be in the early days of the year.
On a gaming front we  will hopefully see one of the great games coming out and end of an era so to say. And I am talking about Mass effect 3. It will end the epic saga that I for one love and I just today did play mass effect 2 again to the end. It was fun ride and I played it cause I had shadow broker dlc that what I hadn't played at all earlier than few days ago.
So Waiting for ME3 and I have to say that in the mmo world I am really looking forward to GW2, TERA and SW:tor. Let's hope that one of these lovely games are really good. 
Let us hope that this year will bring the cahonies to us.