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Best Movie of the Year!

Just got back from watching Quantum of Solace and I can honestly say that it was the best movie of the year. Now this year I saw in theaters, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Hancock, Hellboy II, Wanted, and of course Dark Knight twice, and I still think that Quantum of Solace takes the cake. It had an amazing story for someone like me who was well versed in Casino Royale's plot, and had seen every special feature and commentary on the movie multiple times. If you haven't seen Casino Royale, you might be a bit lost, but it still does stand on it's own legs fairly well. The action was unsurpassed, with absolutely breathtaking set pieces, and right during the opeing scene I couldn't help but turn to my friend and say "Damn, this is gonna look sweet on Blu-ray" to which he replied with an understanding nod! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it.

It gets a Princely rating of 9.8/10