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So I've been messing around with this whole Giant Bombing thing, and I have to say -- I'm pretty darn impressed. At first it had some major slowdown and server problems, among other things - but now I am definitley warming up to this whole free-form concept of a website.

Two thumbs up!
Two thumbs up!
I submitted several Final Fantasy Tactics Wiki thingies, and uploaded a fair amount of imagery, did an obligitory forum post, and added countless things to lists. Hopefully they'll get a video uploader eventually, that's all I can really ask for at the moment, this site is just so darn cool.

I can't seem to add anything to my "collection" however, it's annoyingly always greyed out. This seems pretty minor, but at the same time why is it the only one greyed out!? Sometimes the Wish List also gets greyed out, but not nearly as often. the collection is greyed out 110% of the time, which is to say more than always! Gee-Golly. What is a guy to do.

Zell throwing up the Gang Sign!
Zell throwing up the Gang Sign!
So I've been playing some Final Fantasy VIII lately, and I'm chillin' on Disc 2 as it stands. I've been geeking out on it hardcore, which is refreshing to finally have the time to be able to do something like that. I believe all that time ago a teaser video of mine implied that I was going to play FFVIII, yet I never came around to actually doing that -- with the whole horrible break-up, moving across the country thing. I guess I'm finally fulfilling my destiny. Huzzah!

Other than that, played the Too Human demo, got bored immediately - and I also played the Tales of Vesperia demo, which I enjoyed thurally. I really like that Tales series, despite it reminding me of my ex-girlfriend Michelle. I might pick that one up, since I'm jonsing for a simple J-RPG experience. Although I haven't drilled through Lost Odyssey, and I've had that for a while now...hmm. Oh well, I won't bother you with these specifics. Peace out home-dogs!