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0 of 34,549 - So many MMOs, not enough people on the planet earth

Holy Shit,

Better start typing up some words in here to grind my ass out of the gutter that is #0

So because of Hard drive space restrictions (recording music is a damn space hog, and I'm lazy to buy a new one) I decided to stick with one game on my PC for the time being (Yes my Harddrive is THAT fucking small) and I have my 360 anyways.

I'm not all that sure how many people are going to be reading this post, which I suppose is quite fitting because the game I'm playing right now doesn't really seem to have too many people playing.

I am of course speaking about Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning

I got the "Call to Arms" email whereby they let you re-activate your account free for 10 days and I've been mulling around with the game - and I'm still on the fence about what I think.

The PVP focus of the game is actually really fun, I have a level 14 Warrior Priest on the Ironfist server - but there is one thing that does kind of bug me - Population on servers.

It seems like there aren't that many people playing on the servers - trying to find people running the various Public Quests for example is really tough.

The game almost seems like it gives you too much stuff to do, with not enough people to fill constantly fill up the group oriented content.

I've never encountered a situation in a game where there fact that there is so much stuff to do actually detracts from the experience, but there it is. First time for everything I guess.

I'm going to stick with it for a little while longer to see if my mindset changes, and I've joined a relatively new guild to see if that might make the experience a bit better, but I think I may have figured out why I stopped playing the game in the first place, which is a real shame, because the game is good, just not enough people playing at the same time.