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Bored during the summer video game lull? Buy a new console!

So I couldn't take it anymore, staring at the pile of games in my living room I have all already played, trying to convince myself that I could jump into any one of them again, to get some more achievement points, then flashing back to my futile attempt at playing COD 4 on its hardest difficulty setting, elbow dropping my couch pillows in a rage after being shot with pinpoint accuracy for the 100th time.
No, achievement whoring wasn't going to cure the thirst for new gaming content that I craved.
Then Sony dropped price on the PS3, my prayers answered, my thirst would soon be quenched.
 So I puttered over to the Futureshop close to my place this weekend to grab myself a PS3. 
Two Italian gentlemen (friends I should add) were having a very in depth conversation about whether or not purchasing these consoles would be the best idea, after being told that the PS3 slim was coming in a few days.
One of the guys was definitely grabbing one of the two that were by the clerks feet.
"You're a fuh-kin idee-aht" he said to his buddy.
"Nah bro, I think I'm guhna wait for da slim." 
(No shit btw, they had the hardcore italian accents - its not a slight at all, my family is Portuguese, most of them have the same accent, its just kind of funny when they're swearing at each other in the middle of a futureshop)
Anyway, he opted waiting for the slim, and gave me the one he was going to purchase, great for me! Nice guys. (these were the last two consoles in the store, btw, and the EB games that was going to be my backup plan had already sold out the last of their 80gb stock, as one of guys informed me)
So the clerk said, "hey you get a free game with that", awesome I said - and he pulled out a copy of Motorstorm GP, or some crap. 
I asked for another game, cause, you know, racing games arent really my thing - he said you need to find one at the same price. I said give me a sec - and I grabbed Killzone 2 off the shelf. As I was about to walk back, I look to my left, and saw the MGS4 for 29.99 - fuckin awesome!
So I just got through MGS4 last night - and holy crap, the game is fuckin awesome, although the epilogue DRAGS on quite a bit. If anyone has a PS3 and has not gotten themselves MGS4 yet, they are now avialable in the "classic releases" editions, and they very well priced. Now is the time to get it, if you haven't already (and really, if you own a PS3 and dont have MGS4, what the hell is wrong with you?)
Killzone 2 playthrough will start when I get home tonight, the game looks great, I'm hoping that the multiplayer community for that game is still around as I could use a new multiplayer addiction.
Next up after Killzone 2 will be Uncharted, the game looks pretty good. 
Ill let you guys know when I set up my PSN account name, haven't gotten there quite yet.