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New Release Week! Weeeee!

It seems like its been awhile since anything significant (that isn't freaking DLC) has hit the market, doesn't it?

This week we shall see the release of two games I'm quite looking forward to:

UFC 2009! - Yay

I've been playing the demo over the past few weeks and I must say, this game looks like its going to goddamn rock hard. They've pretty much pinned down every nuance that comes with your standard MMA match - straight up boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, clinches, ground game, submissions - its all there, plus the fact that fighters are so diverse (or so it would seem, only having access to Chuck Lidell (straight up ass whooper) and Shogun Hua( clinch / muay thai) gives a pretty good impression of how fighter skills are going to be laid out)

The biggest knock to the game so farĀ  ( if you want to call it a knock) is the learning curve - going through the traning (which is actually quite well done) - every aspect of what does what in a given situation (hard / soft counters to clinch moves, when a guy is on top of you, trying to get into or break a submission) can get pretty tough to remember off the top of your head. There were multiple times I had to go back to training to remember exactly what I needed to do on the analogue sticks to completely reverse a guy that was on top of me trying to beat my face in, or how to get them back into a less ideal position to protect the ever so soft tissue my face seems to be made of.

Overall, it looks like UFC 2009 is shaping up to be a great game, lets all just hope and pray that the netcode is up to snuff when the game is released so we can all beat the crap out of each other with no lag!

Terminator Salvation -Super yay!

I am a fucking geek. And I love Terminators. And by that I mean I love to blow up their synthetic asses.

It looks like all you'll be fighting with is general slug weapons - I think that the movie/game is set some time before plasma / lazer weapons were developed as seen in the movies, but maybe we'll get a taste towards the end of the game. I just really want to melt a metal skull with a white hot plasma round. Is that too much to ask?

I am also afraid that this is going to be another shitty 6 hour movie to video game tie in. I haven't followed its development that much just because I don't want to get caught disappointed.

I'll hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Ill make sure to give it a rent first.