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3.9 stars

Average score of 12 user reviews

Nothing special, really. Definitely not up to the hype. A middle-class, console-intended shooter that I won't remember. 0

When I first read some reviews about how different Crysis 2 is going to be compared to the first one, I thought "well, if it's different, then it has to be better; there's no way they can make it worse than the first one". wise it's bad. I mean, the scenes of NY are beautiful, the sky is nice and the sun looks amazing. But it's not even close to the effect that the graphics of the first Crysis had on people (and their hardware). It looks too colorful, almost cartoonish, the mod...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Clever and somehow fun, but too repetitive to go through the end. 0

Pretty amusing and original concept (at least for me - mind you I never played Dungeon Keeper, to which everyone is comparing Dungeons against). Nice graphics and some good jokes. The strategic element is really good - you really need to plan ahead, so strategic thinkers would be pleased to give it a try.It wears out too quickly however. The missions are very repetitive, you do exactly the same over and over again, mission after mission. And maybe I would live with that if it wasn't for the scen...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The game isn't really up to its name. It has its moments, but most of the time it's uninspired and boring. 0

This was one of the games I was waiting for this year and I must say I am quite disappointed.The graphics look old, although I like the cartoon-ish blood - same as in Far Cry 2 (by the way, there are too much similarities with FC2).The story is quite uninteresting. To the point where you'd rather skip the cinematics, thinking: "yeah, yeah, right, just bring me back to where I can shoot people and spare me the crap".When I say shooting people - this can be fun, I must admit, especially with some ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

No other game is so immersing, creepy and alive - all at the same time. None. Not even one. Nada. 0

OK, I admit the game has its demons. There are one or two annoying bugs and even a broken mission or two. But it really isn't THAT bad, at least not deserving the humiliation of a 7.0 score. For Christ's sake, GS gave 8.5 to Far Cry 2 and 9.5 to Crysis! Come on, Crysis!? But later on that, let's go through the things that made this game so great.Atmosphere. Nothing really changed here, which is good news. No other game is so immersing, creepy and alive - all at the same time. None. Not even one....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

"All flash, no substance", except that there's no flash anymore. 0

I hoped EA was going to keep the great graphics and improve the mediocre story and boring gameplay.And what did they do? They kept the mediocre story and boring gameplay AND ruined the visual greatness of the game, which was the only positive side it actually had.EA is now officially the MacDonald's of the game industry. Mass production for mass consuming. Lots of profit, no real value of the product. Except for teenagers, which don't really have taste yet. And when they start to form one, EA wi...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Read ahead, then come back and fix your darn score! :) 0

It was not until the middle of the Space age when I realized how addicted I am and how great this game actually is.Up to that point I considered Spore as some childish Sims-like painting and building game; very fun to go through once, but nothing challenging or worth remembering. All the stages were too easy to even bother going into the details (if there are any), so I was expecting to go over the Space stage in the same manner and call it a day.Yes, but no. When I was wiped out by another race...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

As many of you guys out there, I expected a lot more from this game. Out-of-this -world graphics though. 0

As many of you guys out there, I expected a lot more from this game. The only reason I gave it 8.5 is for the stunning graphics, which are literally years away from any other game I have seen or imagined. This engine is so good that Crysis deserves high score only because of it. Plus, it could be a good basis for better games later this year.I found the first half of the game fairly interesting, with almost non-linear storyline. Well, missions were still mostly linear, but you could at least f**...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Great storyline and locations that don't let you get bored for a second. 0

Great storyline and locations that don't let you get bored for a second. Not bad graphics, though I never got used to the green smoke thing. They should fix this any time soon. It's really annoying. :)The one thing I didn't like is the fact that the guys the game is throwing to you are like...thousands. Which could have been fine, if it wasn't the fact that you can kill up to six or seven baddies before they manage to hurt you badly enough to force you look for cover. Bad guys just tend to die e...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Nice game overall - nice graphics and game play. 0

This is the first game that actually wants you to die in order to give you a bonus. This is because the only way to collect all 5 landing bonuses of a level is to jump from the plane 5 times. And to jump 5 times means, that you have to day at least 4 times during a level (this is if you ALREADY know where exactly the landing bonus zones are located). Another option would be to hold a grenade during your initial jump and blow yourself to 5 pieces in the air, hoping that you will have at least one...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Sometimes the most simple things are the most perfect... 0

Firstly, let me tell you what Painkiller game isn't about. It is not about pretensions, it is not about ambition, it is not about cliches. It is not about "complex environment" or unscripted AI. It is not about main missions, sub-missions and sub-sub-missions. It is not about "revolutionary graphics", "revolutionary game play" or revolutionary anything. And it is definitely not about the sells and the end-of-the-year figures. It is all about the fun - plain and simple. It is about atmosphere, it...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A very good game, no argue about that. But still, just a good game, nothing more. 0

A very good game, no argue about that. But still, just a good game, nothing more. By the way, why do they call it a RTS? There should be a new genre for games like this: RTT, or Real Time Tactical game.What I don't like about this game (and almost every game I have recently played) is that you only respond to some scripted events, rather than triggering them with your own decisions and actions. This is becoming really boring, as you don't have the feeling something actually depends on what you d...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A must play for everyone who loves clever and fun gunfights in a scary and depressing atmosphere. Better than Crysis 2. 0

Disclaimer: this review contains comparisons with Crysis 2. If you don't feel like reading how bad your favorite game is, just skip it :)Let's first say that unlike what you may read on certain reviews, this game is scary as hell. The atmosphere is dark and creepy, there are a lot of dark locations, basements, old houses with spooky sounds (like footsteps on the floor above you) and blood and gore everywhere. Not sure what people miss on that front - maybe the shock scares when something jumps o...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.