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My simple answer:

These are all PC releases, one's that in '09 i feel very confident about:

Dawn of War II- The first games i loved a lot, but after awhile the graphics were really hurting. The update in graphics, inclusion of Tyranids, and new game direction are all reasons to look at this one IMO.

The Sims 3: On here just because i want to see the sales figures.

F.E.A.R. 2, Project Origin- This is the REAL successor to the original, and i am TOTALLY looking forward to slowing down time and head shotting Alma (likelihood of that happening, very low).

Empire Total War-Reason 1. It's gonna be bigger. 2.It's gonna be prettier. 3.NAVAL BATTLES FTW!!!11!!!

HAWX-I haven't played a decent flight sim since Lock On-Modern Air Combat, and i'm really liking what i've seen of this one so far. If Ubisoft is publishing it, then there's a good chance of it being a higher quality flight sim. And that keeps me hopeful.

CODMW2-I playe d this game so much, for so long, that eventually the only challenge came from knifing only in online play. That game was excellent and kept me playing, and i'm really looking forward to this next installment. Go Infinity Ward!

DLC that i'm excited about:

Left 4 Dead- Valve has already announced new versus maps, new campaigns, weapons, and boss infected. Now all we have to do is wait. Unless of course you want to download that soon-to-come SDK and make your own. Looks like Valve is on top of things.

Fallout 3- After the craze that Oblivion had in modding, i'm really, REALLY excited for Fallout's SDK and the modding community it will undoubtedly have. And it's upcoming 'Chinese Invasion' patch will hopefully include a full scale battle! Cause don't you just want to fire a Fat Boy in the middle of the battle lines, and see the insuing chaos.


Frontlines Fuel of War Review

My first Game Review: Frontlines: Fuel of War

Frontlines: Fuel of War is a near future after-oil FPS, based upon a combat system centered on Frontlines.

It has a myriad of combinations available to any player, with 6 weapons and 4 classes, with each class having abilities unlockable while in-game. It features many vehicles, varying from tanks, jeeps, anti air, and APC's to jets and helicopters (transports included). There were about 10 maps with the release, and 5 more are on the way along with 4 new vehicles and 3 new infantry weapons.

 The major premise of the game is to capture certain points on a "Frontline", forcing it to move forward once all the points on the line are captured. You win by either capturing the enemies' HQ or by depleting the other team's reinforcement count. This is a new style of gameplay, forcing people to charge into combat rather than sneak behind an enemy line and capture a rear spawn point. Also included is a basic TDM mode that no servers use (lol) and an intuitive, easy to access and use squad system. And a new 'Conquer' mode similar to standard CTF is on the way: a FREE downloadable feature.

Upon release, the game featured some graphical glitches, an OP grenade launcher, one-hit kill 10 foot kill radius melee, and a buggy server browser. It lacked a VOIP function, a sore due to its squad mechanics, and joystick support (yes that's right flyboys). It even had issues with Windows Vista, where most players couldn't even get the game to start (due to a faulty link on the 2nd disk). You had to insert disk 1, wait for the autoplay to pop up, then insert disk two and hit play on the autoplay pop-up. It didn't work properly out of the box for Vista users, but then again, what does?

However, after patch 1.01, the grenade launcher's power has been fixed, and the game features a great server browser. More maps, weapons, and vehicles are on the way as well, leading many to hope the game can make a comeback (which it very well could, with proper word of mouth). They fixed the 'dolphin/worming' of most large battlefield FPS's, the difficult-to-fly helicopters and jets were edited with their response to your control input, making them easier to fly, and Punkbuster was also added. Joystick support hasn't been added via game menu yet, but you can do it yourself by editing a few game files (follow the instructions on their forums). They even included a few second spawn protection to prevent spawn camping. The melee is also being addressed in a hotfix coming up for version 1.01.

The game's single player campaign had some very nice cutscenes, with believable voice-acting. It creates a believable backstory for the current situation, and leaves you wanting to beat the missions in order to advance the storyline. Some of the events depicted in the cutscenes are truly eye opening. It had difficult to beat AI that hunt you down and are far more accurate and smarter than you are. Overall, a average SP experience with a few nice high points :SPOILER ALERT: (Nukes bein dropped on your buddies, anyone?)

Graphically and hardware wise, the game requires a little less hardware to run. On my modest system, it runs crisp at medium or high quality, and i have a very cheap machine. However, don't let this fool you into thinking the game is in fact a bad looking one. It is very well detailed, even at the lower resolutions, and deserves some props for its graphics that require less performance.

In all, Frontlines: Fuel of War is worth a purchase, but mainly due to its newly released patch. Further promised support leaves it with a higher score than what would have occured if they had refused to patch it. It introduces some interesting new ideas to the first person shooter genre, and is more playable and fun than getting raped in COD4 every couple of seconds (not due to me being a newb lol). It shouldn't require much hardware, but make sure you machine meets the specs before buying it and being disappointed.

Final Verdict: 8.5/10
Good, but not amazing. I'm surprised that it didn't get more publicity...