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YEEEEE Hah... Texas!!

Sending the 360 out ...AGAIN!! #rd one this time... Hopefully it will be back in time for Gears 2. I can hope can't I?
Oh... and 11 more days till my birhday...WOOT!!!


A Fun night out with Friends...

So I got to do something that I don't get to very often last night.... I brought Rock Band over to my friend Chris and Holly's house with several other friends and my wife last night. We played to the wee hours of the morning after a good dinner of Make it yourself Tacos. Overall a good time. Everybody tried different instruments so I wasn't stuck on the drums all night (although I still believe that I am the only one of my friends who has any rhythm...heh). I think we need to do that more often.


Initial Impressions....

Well.... I don't know what to say other than this is a lot more than I expected. The ease of use, along with the unbelievable community aspects of this site are AMAZING to say the least. Being able to add photos straight from your PC without having to upload them to Flickr or Photobucket is definately a plus when you want to add them to a Wiki of a certain game. It has actually almost started a new addiction to find screenshots or cover art for certain games that no one has gotten them for yet, such as a couple of obscure DC games that I found in the listings.... It's nice to feel that you are actually a part of building the site vs. just looking at static pages that someone else created. Not to mention the fact that Jeff is now my freind... Don't worry Jeff, the statute of limitations on my last stalking charges ran out years ago....

I honestly think that the only thing I would like to see is a more news oriented part of the site. A hands on preview/ This game has been announced/ this game sold so many millions of copies sort of thing. I'm not only a fan of games but of things game related as well. A friend once told me that I was the first person that he could really say that gaming was "a lifestyle choice" for.... And I don't think I disagree with that assesment .