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not really too much of a racing buff but mario kart 7 did me real good when i needed it. i've been getting into Redout lately too, the controls are a little funky but the aesthetics are on point.

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i'm a really new subscriber, as in i joined really just a couple days ago. the decision had a handful of parts to it, but one of the largest ones was that times are tough, and the GB team really stepped up to make stuff that's brought me a lot of joy despite everything- that deserved *something.* the statement yesterday, and words from the team on twitter really made me realize i'd made the right decision.

and it's important, especially given the culture of the gaming community at large that really encourages and fosters racism and other forms of bigotry, for those with some sort of voice to not be silent.

are there things left for GB to do? to say? yeah, probably? i don't know what, or how, and i'm not particularly a good judge of that. but i am optimistic

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hey what's up I'm Malus (or Axel) they/them pronouns

i've been following GB for... maybe close to a year now? but never ended up getting into the community until now. figured i'd kick the people keeping me moderately sane in these trying times some dollars (and also access... minecraft)

i make art, study media, and sometimes let myself have dreams of becoming a game developer