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This Generation of Consoles is so messed up

This is the first blog post by me that wont be projected onto the main forums, mainly cause i know i'll get flamed if i do because i dont think this opinion is a very popular one.

I think this generation of consoles is messed up, why? because on 1 hand you have microsoft with thier software superiour console but abysmal quality hardware with a high failure rate. on the other hand you have the ps3, alot more reliable than the 360, but also more expensive and with a less impressive software library and online features.
The point i'm getting at here is that given my past history with the 360 and having my system die on me a number of times, i am convinced  that this generation of consoles is fucked up because i am being held hostage by microsoft, they know that i cant stay away because of thier impressive games library but i am at the mercy of thier horrid hardware and high failure rate. I know i cant make my ps3 as a complete alternative because A. the software library isnt as expansive and impressive to begin with, but there is also the fact that sony gives europe/australia the shaft when it comes to Playstation Store content. Yes Street Fighter HD Remix still isnt out yet on our store... those fuckers. And the most horrid thing is the fact that we will probably have to wait until febuary just to get it, thats what happened with puzzlefighter.
Retail games arent as much of a problem since the system is completely region free and i have imported games in the past like DIsgaea 3.
I just wish sony had of stepped up to the plate and cut the price of thier system, secured more exclusives and werent a marketting disaster.
I think the truth of the matter is, the xbox 360 has a deep design flaw that will prevent it from ever being completely fixed with console revisions and it will take until thier next console to hopefully make a more reliable system. on the other hand, at this point sony will never catch up this generation the end of 2008 was thier death rattle. That is all very disapointing cause the ps3 had a stretch this year where it was looking to really make some serious ground but it ended up falling flat again near the end.