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You know your sharing in the madness when....

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    Foil1212: i posted that chat excerpt that you posted about "she doesnt like meat, excuse for not having to suck" to a friend on msn

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    and hes like

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    depending on how much she weights the use of ranch dressing can convince them

    <Wallace>    XD

    <Foil1212>    rofl...

    <Wallace>    i want to see a weight/ranch dressing table

    <Wallace>    for great knowledge

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    hahah

    <Foil1212>    YESSSS

    <Foil1212>    I would love to see a ranch dressing fetish porn site...

    <Foil1212>    wait, do I really?

    <Wallace>    im sure they exist

    <Wallace>    maybe not JUST ranch dressing

    <Foil1212>    google time!

    <Wallace>    :/

    <Wallace>    you go ahead

    <Foil1212>    >insert foodfetish site here that i've edited so that i dont get my ass kicked by mods< - Manachild

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    Ryan:

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    10:58

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    it proably would just be women covered in ranch dressing, pouring it over themselves and whatnot... so it has potential to be decently hot

    <Foil1212>    they put it over her back

    <Foil1212>    yeah, not that hot

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    "unlike creamed corn or gravy"

    <Foil1212>    you see someone pouring it on her back

    <Foil1212>    OW! Hot gravy?

    <Wallace>    D:

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    lol

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    thats pretty greasy

    <Foil1212>    there's only one gif at the bottom with tits

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    however if she turns down ranch i'm sure you could convince her if you used gravy

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    but that would mean her ass would be so big you have to walk around it

    <Foil1212>    everything else is just the back

    <Wallace>    lord i hope thats chocolate O.o

    <Foil1212>    it is

    <Wallace>    phew

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    FROM THE ASS

    <Wallace>    i was worried

    <Foil1212>    chocolate, ranch, and peanut butter

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    eww

    <Foil1212>    what did you think it was? feces on a food fetish blog?

    <Wallace>    no

    <Wallace>    i was just kidding :P

    <Wallace>    that peanut butter gif is uhhh

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    wallace wanted it to be scat

    <Wallace>    :/

    <Wallace>    oh no no no

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    this is all your fault foil

    <Wallace>    i'm not into teh scatpronz

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    at least thats what i'm saying

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    lol

    <Foil1212>    lol, I know

    <Foil1212>    my bad...

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    its stil lfunny tho

    <Foil1212>    :P

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    luckily were talkng about it here tho

    <Foil1212>    yeah, I rofl'd

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    people would freak out there

    |<--    Courage_Wolf has left (Ping timeout)

    <Foil1212>    not really, it's just TC and Matt really

    <Foil1212>    :/

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    lol

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    and maybe brukaoru

    <Foil1212>    they probably do this shit with each other! amirite TC?

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    its what happens in bshaf aftershow chats

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    every week

    <Foil1212>    yeah

    <Foil1212>    over skype webcam

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    i was on the bshaf last week, tc asked me to join in but i said no

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    since i'm such a prudant person

    <Foil1212>    FUCK GOING TO SLEEP

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    lol

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    all this weird porn talk has you wide awake

    <Foil1212>    my friend just knocked saying he was building an epic snow fort!

    <TC>    <%Foil1212> not really, it's just TC and Matt really

    <TC>    whats up?

    <TC>    lol

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    lol

    <Foil1212>    :P nothing

    <TC>    oh right the orgy

    <Manachild|Xfiles>    were talking about ranch dressing