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goldeneye reloaded? ya bullshit

its the same darn game , i bought last year , and they want to charge an extra ten for just 1 new mode and graphic update, actually since ge is now 999/1999 , they charging 30-40 bucks more just to have a 360 ps 3 version of a game already out along time ago , ,

i say fail activision , either you make a new darn bond game or dont make one at all because what your saying to us us you might as well play tomorow never dies the world is not enough agent under fire night fire etc all over again until we get a new one which would probably be lame -looks at bloodstone ,

i am starting to lose my patience with activision , wii gets no bond game this year , wheres our bloodstone even though i hated that game since their getting goldeneye were the heck is our bloodstone, ya activision you fail , i wont be getting mw 3 or ge reloaded , sell the 007 license for the love of god , cause you sure cant handle it right, since 2008 we have seen nothing but remakes,

rushed projects and broken promises, ge wii fine , but re doing it again because you feel the need to milk the name ,, -- that is complete uber garbage you should have made ge multiplatform in the beginning instead of lamestone, but no you gotta go and re remake it even have the balls to rename it to make people think its an entirely new goldeneye their getting (shades of ea- remember goldeneye rogue agent ported over to nintendo ds) i could never forgive ea and now ill never forgive you for doing the same exact joke,



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Edited By mariokart64fan

its the same darn game , i bought last year , and they want to charge an extra ten for just 1 new mode and graphic update, actually since ge is now 999/1999 , they charging 30-40 bucks more just to have a 360 ps 3 version of a game already out along time ago , ,

i say fail activision , either you make a new darn bond game or dont make one at all because what your saying to us us you might as well play tomorow never dies the world is not enough agent under fire night fire etc all over again until we get a new one which would probably be lame -looks at bloodstone ,

i am starting to lose my patience with activision , wii gets no bond game this year , wheres our bloodstone even though i hated that game since their getting goldeneye were the heck is our bloodstone, ya activision you fail , i wont be getting mw 3 or ge reloaded , sell the 007 license for the love of god , cause you sure cant handle it right, since 2008 we have seen nothing but remakes,

rushed projects and broken promises, ge wii fine , but re doing it again because you feel the need to milk the name ,, -- that is complete uber garbage you should have made ge multiplatform in the beginning instead of lamestone, but no you gotta go and re remake it even have the balls to rename it to make people think its an entirely new goldeneye their getting (shades of ea- remember goldeneye rogue agent ported over to nintendo ds) i could never forgive ea and now ill never forgive you for doing the same exact joke,

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Edited By ZombiePie

If you are going to post about how much you don't like a game being released please try to be coherent and civil. With forum topics we want to encourage productive debates that are not reliant on flaming or loaded with hostile behavior.