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well 3ds has already started to fly off the shelves,

according to japan media create 3ds out sold psp and any thing else by 1 to 6 ,

thats just japan on sunday , the us will see the effect of super mario 3d land,

thats just the start , next month is mariokart 7 i already say sony waited far to long they should have announced vita at tgs 09 , like 3ds and had it ready feb or march of the same yr of 3ds but looks like theyll lose again because i dont see any title on the list i want , and i dont see anything positive about having ports either,

id rather have seperate titles for main line games on vita , just like 3ds does with its big name games,

but hey its sony, theyll botch anything now adays they already are put on credit watch not lookin so good for them people thought 900m lost income from nintendo is bad - being put on credit watch is alot worst then 900m in loses cause the losses come from the building and construction of either the new r and d facility or the new nintendo wii u , /3ds combination , your bound to lose income when your making a product,

getting it back should be easy for nintendo as they always sell their games and such , no mystery why they stayed a float during the gc gen , i dont even have to explain this ,

even when they dont have a gen king console they make out well ,

so that said , i just hope there is a 007 title available for the vita cause at this stage thats the only thing that will save it ,