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My Most Anticipated of 2011 (In No Particular Order)

2011 is looking like it will be an amazing year. Here are my most anticipated games and I'm sure there are more to add but these are what I want to play the most. The Last Guardian didn't make my list because I believe it will be a 2012 game. Diablo 3 is on my list because I'm really hoping it comes out this year.

List items

  • Any New entry to the Metal Gear franchise excites me to no end. I still haven't played the latest PSP game but rumors of it coming to the PSN has me waiting in anticipation. This game looks amazing and hopefully the "cut in any direction" helps breathe new life into the franchise and doesn't feel like a crappy tacked on gimmick.

  • These games are absolutely amazing to play in co-op. Gears 2 I played in one sitting (it was an all day thing) and I plan on doing it again with this entry. Never been a big fan of the multiplayer but the single player is enough to keep me wanting more and more from this series.

  • Not sure I need to explain why I'm excited for this game. How about the sequel to my all time favorite Xbox 360 game. I really like the company and glad they are returning to the series. The latest info from GameInformer has me so ready to get my hands on this game. It even has me wanting to play through Morrorwind (a game I've spent very little time with) and maybe even boot Oblivion back up.

  • The end of one of my favorite trilogies has us maybe returning to Earth to defend its existence. Mass Effect 2 was my favorite game of 2010; and I'm sure ME3 will not disappoint. I have confidence in Bioware that they will deliver another hit. It took some convincing from my podcast partner Rich to get into this series but I'm glad I did. The universe, the story, the gameplay, everything about these games are handled with so much care that it's hard not to get into these games, unless you don't enjoy fun things.

  • Yes I've talked bad about the 3DS in the past but I'm still really looking forward to trying this thing out. A couple bad points (price and small battery life) won't change my mind of what they are promising with this system and the games coming out for it. Yeah they have a lot of remakes that I'm excited for (Metal Gear, Zelda, etc) but their is a lot of potential for a handheld that delivers 3D without glasses. Nintendo can be a company that either delivers or fails to innovate. I hope this system is the next step in handheld gaming.

  • Arkham Asylum came out of nowhere and was a huge hit. Being a fan of Batman, I had to put this on my list and I hope it improves on a lot of things I disliked about the first thing. Give me more opportunities to be sneaky and I'll be happy.

  • It's the 3rd Diablo game. It's the sequel to the second Diablo game. It's one of my favorite PC games. Hopefully it comes out this year. It's a good time. Sorry for being so blunt.

  • It's like Diablo but not. It's coming to PC and other things. It will have co-op and will be another good time. I fear for my PC mouse. Many clicks on monsters will commence. Okay I'm done being blunt.

  • This game should have came out "Forever" ago


    I'm sure this game will sell well only to see what the hell a game is like when its worked one for over a decade.

  • GiantBomb definitely has me excited for this game with all their different interviews. The art in this game looks really amazing.

  • These guys make great games and having the whole score mechanic to your kill will surely invite creative ways for all situations.

  • I hate that I'm excited for this game but It's been a while and I'm ready to play a new one.

  • I'll definitely be getting my PS3 back from my parents this year for many reasons, but this game tops my most anticipated PS3 game. I'll be avoiding all videos of this game just so I can approach the game with no knowledge of the story at all.