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Oh comic book movies from the 80's, what am I gonna do with you?!

So I just got done watching Superman II on my netflix queue and I gotta say.....meh. It's probably just the fact that I am spoiled to hell and back with today's superhero films but yeah, it was pretty goofy. I mean, I wasnt even born yet when the first movie came out so I wasn't able to catch them when I was super young, and for some reason I just never caught them in their entirety over the past years, even with numerous chances to do so.  After seeing the first one to compare it with Superman Returns, and seeing Comic Vines segment on the happy hour, I felt compelled to rectify that. Seeing as the 4 movies have been in my instant queue for awhile now, why the fuck not?
To start, I am a pretty big comic fan. Have been for most of my life, even though I've since gotten out of hardcore collecting I still keep up with major comic news and read my fair share of titles. I am not a huge DC fan admittedly, but as of late I have been slowly getting to like what I have been reading up on whats happening in the DC universe and I am starting to really like their characters. I've always liked Batman and Superman, but that was about it. So with the new Green Lantern movie coming out and reading all the wikis I can on the Blackest Night saga, and catching the majority of the DC animated movies(which I highly recommend!), I think I am gonna dive deeper into the DC comics vault and see what I have been missing. Wow, that was a tangent, back to the movie!
So yeah, Superman II. I had always heard that this was the great one before the fall of the series, just like you all have. The first one was okay, and I really enjoyed Superman Returns, even if it was damn near a full fledged remake of the first Donner Supes film. So I went in to this movie with some trepidation as I do with all coveted movies that are old and don't potentially age well, and was greeted with everything I expected. In short, an 80's movie. Now I know this was the 80's and all and I'm not so naive as to expect special effects from the likes of today and all, and its not the effects I had a problem with. I was impressed with them actually, realizing this was all done in what, 1984, 85? It was just that the movie was kinda dumb and all over the place.  
     I will say this, after glazing over this fact for most of my youth, Christopher Reeve really is a great Superman. He plays the mild mannered Clark Kent to a T and I really liked the change in his presence when he transformed into Superman. He was, as it should be, the best thing about the film. Everything else is just kinda blah. Margot Kidder as Lois? Ugh. I was watching the Niagara Falls scene and thought to myself, "Damn, Lois is a whore.". I mean, she is obsessed with Supes and just doesn't give a damn about anybody or anything else. And she's stupid. "I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF TO PROVE YOU'RE SUPERMAN, CLARK!!!"  That was just nonsensical!!! Also, shes so blase about Clark one minute, but waitaminute, he's Superman?! Well shit her panties sure came off quick, even though 13 minutes ago she could care less about him!!! Also, she doesn't even try to stop or talk some sense into Supes when she catches him giving up his powers to be with her!!! Like I said, kinda whoreish. It's just not how I picture the character of Lois Lane I guess.
The rest of the movie is just sort of there to fill in the roles. I don't really know what to make of Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor. I generally like Hackman overall in the roles I see him in, but he plays Lex like a buffoon in these movies, and not the evil genius he is supposed to be, although that may be the fault of the writers and not Hackman. Zod and the rest of the villians were also kind of lame, they just didnt seem very threatening to me. Also, did anybody else laugh at the big showdown with them and Superman when they start creating the gale force winds? What struck me as funny was during this whole scene, they are creating all this destruction and chaos, cars flying all over the place, structures being ripped from the ground and such, yet they keep cutting to people doing dumbass random stuff like it isn't happening, like the couple that comes out of the KFC and the waitress that comes out after them with their check like they cant hear all the crazy ass shit going down outside!!! And the guy on roller skates getting blown backwards?! Wow. Just wow. Silly is all I can say, and that just didn't jive well with my idea of a Superman film.
Man, I wasn't intending to do a review of this film, and this surely shouldn't be taken as one. To be fair, as much as I criticized it above, I didn't hate the movie, I actually enjoyed it for what it was, an 80's comic book movie based on Superman. Which to be fair, I'm sure the movie studios had no idea in hell about how to handle such movies, let alone decide what kind of tone they should set for them. They did give me Superman though, and for that I thank Mr. Reeve, may he rest in peace! This is just an opinion piece that I felt like sharing after seeing a piece of pop and movie culture, which I will recommend that everybody should see at least once. I will give the 3rd and 4th Superman films ago probably over the next few days. I hear these are the not good ones. Pray for me people!!!
Anybody else have an opinion about the 80's Superman films? Love 'em, Hate' em, indifferent? Anyhow, till next blog people, stay safe!


Ahh the joys of holiday sales.

Sooo yeah. Second blog, yay me! I really will try and make an effort to post here on a regular basis me thinks. Not necessarily for the benefit of anybody else here, just more of a thing for myself to do. Something to try and get myself into a habitual work type of mind, since I am eventually trying to get into the freelance art thing. Were that to take off, I would have to make myself adhere to a work schedule and as I'm sure that that would be more rigorous than a weekly-ish blog, its a start.
Anyhoo, on to the topic of my blog. I love photo blogs. Specifically those of stuff people have bought or picked up. I don't know what it is, I just like seeing the things others have managed to treat themselves to. I love shopping, and buying electronics and all kinds of toys and junk for my respective hobbies. Maybe seeing others purchases gives me an idea of stuff to put on my get list, i dunno. Its just the whole process of spending my hard earned cash on stuff I like and then the ritual that follows. You know the one. You get home, plop onto your couch or computer chair or what have you, and unload your purchases on your coffee table/desk. Then you get to open that packaging/shrink wrap/box and smell that fresh new plasticy smell of whatever you bought. Personally for me its games and dvds/blurays/electronics.
its all of those things, plus the feeling of having earned your stuff and all that jazz. I grew up pretty poor, and for all accounts still am even though im pretty much on my own now. So for all intents and purposes I live a pretty humble life. I am a waiter currently and live solely on that income, so frivolous purchases have to be made sparingly or only after rent and bills have been paid. So I take more pride in the things I buy for myself since I do work hard for them. I also realize that for however much 'society' would dub me as poor and low class, I am incredibly blessed and am by no means living in poverty conditions. Even though sometimes I bitch about my lot in life, I always drop back to earth and take a look around my surroundings and realize how damn lucky I am to live in this country and to have the things that I have.  Ill get into that stuff in a later blog I suppose, onto the purchases!!! (You know that's where this was headed!)
I just recently got into I know I know, I live in the year 2010 and I'm just now getting into amazon?!? Yeah, I kick myself at night, don't worry. I just sort of had this personal negative stigma associated with buying stuff online. Anyways, I didn't and probably never will take part in any Black Friday event. It's just way too much hassle and crazyness to deal with. So with that said, I sure as hell took part in the Cyber Monday deals that followed!!! 
As I said I love buying me some movies!!! And since amazon didn't have very many great game deals going on, they did have some excellent deals on dvds and blurays! So with that, I present my Cyber Monday haul!:

I was proud of myself! 
Season 1 of Mad Men: $9.99
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: $5.49
Ninja Assassin Bluray: $10.49
Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror of Shambala Bluray: $9.99
Kick-Ass 3 Disc Bluray: $9.99
Not a bad haul at all if I do say so myself! 3 blurays, a dvd and a season of a tv show for a little under $50 and some change? Not bad at all.
Im really interested in watching Mad Men as I have heard nothing but good things about that show. Started reading and watching The Walking Dead on AMC and figured if the quality of that show was similarly put into Mad Men it should be a good time. Fullmetal was a great movie and closing to the series for those who are fans of the anime. Kick-Ass is...well, Kick-Ass. Ninja Assassin was good, but not quite as good as I was hoping it would be, being from the Wachowskis and all. Still awesome though, and the extra feature about turning Korean pop star Rain into the the crazy buff main character is pretty interesting. Supes/Bats was awesome! Saw the preview on the Green Lantern: First Flight dvd and when I found it for 5 bucks it was a no brainer! Also, Kevin Conroy is Batman. Yes. 
Also picked up 2 games to add to my 360 collection tonight. I went out to grab dinner with my friend kenny, and showed him this local game store I found ahwhile back. Turns out a buddy of mine has worked there for a long time and I just now found out about this place! Anyhow, they have a good selection of older and classic games and systems there, even saw a Turbografx there! Since my buddy is on the hunt for NES items I showed him this place and saw these in the clearance section! 
Pure was even cheaper at 6 bucks!!! 2 games for 11 bucks? Yes please. I know Too Human has been met with some general hate, but for 5 bucks I will give it a shot. Also put down my preorder for the collectors edition of Marvel vs. Capcom 3. That one is a day one purchase for sure! 
Well, those are my purchases to share. Thanks to all that read this lengthy blog. And thanks to all the members who gave me a warm welcome on my last blog! Since joining I have found the quests to be stupid addictive. Its bound to be hazardous to my health! Also, I am still figuring out all the kinks and rules and stuff about posting on here and all, so if I have posted the images in this blog incorrectly or anything, or these types of blogs are frowned upon or whatever, feel free to let me know (politely of course!) Until next blog people, be well!

Hello there Giant Bomb!!!

 Greetings and salutations fellow Giant Bombers! Just a new face here on the site and wanted to do the obligatory introductory first blog post.  I've been coming to this site for quite some time, and like all of you, decided that this was an incredibly awesome site for video game knowledge, coverage,  and general debauchery! I admit that my first real dedicated site that I actually followed with some interest was, but after the UGO merger it kinda went downhill. Its not a bad site, but I wanted something a bit more, and after stumbling on a mention of this site from a user blog over there, I fell in love (manly love!)!   It was definitely the staff of GB that made me stay. The editable wiki format and all was cool for sure, but it was the small team nature of the guys and their individual personalities that have made this place one that I come back to on a daily basis. That and the fact that I love video content and this site offers that almost exclusively for all that it covers! It doesn't hurt that I personally find the guys and the stuff they do pretty damn funny as well. Anyhow, I tend to ramble on like no other and I don't want this blog to run any longer than it already has, so i will call it quits for this one. I'm not too sure how adamant I will be about frequently updating this blog, but I will certainly try to do so with some sort of regularity. My last page at 1up didn't get much out of me, but then again I never frequented that site as much as I do this one, so who knows. I look forward to having a personal little haven on the interwebs for my gaming habits and meeting new peeps along the way, so on that note, I bid you all a good night! Until next blog people, stay well.