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What are the best Metroidvanias that still hold up?

With the recent sale of old Square games on PSN, I got to thinking about classic JRPGs and SRPGs and Zelda-likes and Metroidvanias and wondering if any of them hold up.

That's all I used to play and I want to share a lot of these games I have memories of with my daughter, but are any of them still worth it?

Well, it's time to find out as I play though a shitton of them over the next couple of years.

I will be going mostly in chronological order, with some exceptions. If a game had a great re-release that modernized it, I'll probably check that out. I'll be hitting up stuff that I played, mostly, with some that I didn't thrown in. I feel the IDEA of the Metroidvania starts with Super Metroid and is a little nebulous until Symphony of the Night comes out and then the genre crystalizes.

Action games that focus on map exploration and progress is locked behind item acquisition. Unlike a Zelda game, it tends to be one "map" not with dungeons and such.

This list isn't every Metroidvania, obviously. But it's pretty damn close to a definitive, QUALITY version of that list.

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